Quote of the day: Every big problem was at one time a wee disturbance.
( EDITED, but i'm super lazy to resize th pics, so yeh)
Hey y'all, am back from redshirt's chalet.
It was a Blastttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.
Was supposed to meet vit at 11 and head to th chalet, but apparently hui ping says th chalet can only be checked in at 3plus. So yeh.
In th end met him and others at 12 at ws.
Slacked, lunch, talk at kfc till 2plus and took shutter bus at 315 to changi aloha.
(Played psp on th way, and oh. I improved alot! heh heh)

Reached aloha changi along with few others sec3 girls.
Th place damn nice i tell you! It's a 2storey chalet, but th 2nd level's only a room.
And guess who got that room all for himself.
Kenneth Lei. Clever onlyyyy, haha.
Show you th chalet:D


lalala, 2nd level. Very nice.

Ruban look like some teacher onlyyy.

Yeh anyway, th few of us sorta reached quite early, and cus RubanVL wanted to go parkway t collect some files, me agnes and victorian secret accompanied him.
Agnes bought her dinner, went to ruban's apache house and taxi-ed back to th chalet.
By then it was already like... er 6plus 7?

Th coolest malay girls i've met, Rock on yawZZZ.

Usual stuffs happened; bbq, ps2, chiit chat, joke.
ANd oh, one of th best part of th chalet was with chatting with soon yang.
He's one damn funny person, even victorian secret laughed hard.
But sadly, soon yang didn't wna stayover (BOO), and he left at 12plus.

Just th best of th best badge, I'll miss you guys, that's for sure.

Cool ain't we, thankyou.

HAHA found ruban?

Oh, her balloon damn big! Haha everyone kept away from her man.

After bbq went up to 2nd level and played pokka cards with Mr Lee, Mr David and Mr Leong.
Winner stays, loser out, and loser needs to do pumpings( twice th number of cards th loser has left)
So ya, 3rd round i came into th game. Mr David says if i lose, ruban has to help me do pumpings, so i'm saved! Haha but... guess who won?!
Ahem ahem* Ruban, you're saved. HAHA.
Can't remember when, but i think 5th or 6th i lost, and poor ahmad did pumping for mua.
Left th game, went on down to see hakim and victorian secret play ps2.
Typical guys, can't get their eyes off that soccer game...

Most of th sec2s and 3s and teachers left around 1plus.
Leaving th sec4s and few sec2 girls and andi, being th only sec3.
Cleared th mess and everything, went to changi point for dinner around 2plus.
After makan went to changi beach and slacked.
But apparently someone wanted th toilet, so we headed back.
Oh, and as y'know. Changi point so many ah guas. HAHA.
On th way back, we were like betting on who will fall alseep first.
And those who sleep, their eye brows will kena shaved off.
Come on, let's guess, who slept first?
KennethLei. He came back, took th toilet and went straight up to th 2nd level and POOM! He fell alseep. No one knew until we realised he was missing! Haha but nahh, we didn't shave him or whutever.
And so it happened that everyone fell alseep except for ruban and hakim, who played ps2 all th way.
I fell alseep beside ruban on th chair around 4plus, sleep wake up sleep wake up.
Humaira and mai slept on th sofa.
And th rest? Slept in th room.
Okay let me tell you sth.
There were 3 rooms in total, one taken all by kenneth himself, th other taken by sec2 girls, so th remaining one room, rest of th peepo had to share.
And th room so happened that it has only to single bed, so they pushed them together to make on king sized bed.
And yah, guess whut.
Victorian Secret took one whole single bed by himself!( More pro than kenneth siol)
Agnes, huiping, faris and andi had to squeeze in one other bed. And ahmad slept on th floorD:
Damn sad right! Haha.
Woke up at 640, ahem ahem. Me first t wake up. HAHA.
and ruban hakim still playing ps2. Woah.
Then after which, mai humaira woke up.
Th rest still sleeping.
Oh, did i mention that no one bathe th night before? YES NO ONE.
Th toilet was too scary. cus th toilet got bathtub, and then it so happened that th bathtub's tiles came off. So it's like.. There's a hollow hole. Tell me who dare to bathe?
And somemore th bathroom look so old.. no on wanted to bathe.
SO yeh, first thing wkae up, i go bathe. I wasd th first one to bathe.
But naah, i bathe at th sec2 girl's room bathroom. That one less scary.
Took pictures with early birds.
Morning view of th sea was AWESOMEEEEEEEEEE! cool and refreshing.

Top3 pictures, look at how ahmad smile. Cute siol.

Emo kia, HAHA.

Here comes th best part. While waiting for th person to come and check th rooms before checking out, we played Heart attack. ( best part best part)
Th game goes like whoever got 4 of th same number, had to lay their cards down and touch their nose.
Others had to follow, last one to touch, had to drink coke.
At first it's only one mouth of coke, but since mr leong bought 3bottles of 1.5litres coke, we thought it'd be more fun if we drank more thank a mouthful.
So now. Loser had to drink like erm.. 1/10 of 1/5litres.
But still, we left alot of coke!
So increased to like.. 1/4 of th bottle? Ya man that's alot.
Ahmad kena a few times, and there was once he CHOKE ON COKE! HAHAHA
So he went like.. i choke coke... choke coke! HAHA DAMN FUNNY I TELL YOU.
Faris, agnes, ruban, andi, kenneth, hakim kena. The rest were saved.
Muahahahahahaha. Choke coke! HAHAHA.
Was supposed t check out by 1030, but th person havent come yet, so we thought that we made a mistake, maybe we can stay for one more day! HAHA but naah, not so lucky.
Okay, some pictures before we left.

Just. Look at th bottom 3. Haha.

Agnes says this effect very nice, haha:D
Ya, t end off, pictures with my lovely girl:D

Taken by th unexperienced victorian secret. Tsktsktsk.

.. Thats all:D
Checked out at 11plus and cleared everything and stuffs.
Went t changi point, cus we thought that we could have breakfast before heading home.
But it turned out that evryone went home, except for mua kenneth and victorian secret.
Ya being hungry and tired, we settled for breakfast together and took 29 home.
(Shall not continue this part, too funny to say)
:D I know it's kinda long this post, but you're good if you read all th way.
Cus i now not all of you have go th patience.
will update about ytd and today next time!
Heading to sentosa with my lovely girlsssssssssss!
Damn excited, but sihui can't make itD:
Ya i think today don't have hot guys ah how Joelyn?
Haha till then, so long~suckas.