Today's campcraft competition for th guys was cool i tell you.
met at 3 outside school, and bus was chartered for us to HTA.
seriously, there were quite a few hot guys, right shamira?!
hahahaha, yeh, you guys did your best,
so be proud of yourself yehhhhh..?
but th sad thing is, i didn't get to see th sirs from prcs and dunman,
which is like kinda pity yaw. shamira you know why... HAHA.
next week's th girls turn to compete,
and we really hope we'll do well, after what th HO has told us to take note of.
HO ah, come more often to our school leh, miss you sia. HAHA sia la.
and joelyntanyiying,
don't think too much about what th teacher said,
you're not th only one whom she attacked, she's like this one.
so just let it go, treat it as she's bullshitting alright:D
cheer up yo, you're certainly not a disgrace:D
and tansihui, i hope to hang out with you more(:
those gossiping and stuffs you knowwwwwwwwww, hahaha.
i miss youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! oops.