Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Quote of th day: It is not enough to have a good mind. The main thing is to use it well.

Went for interview yesterday with th saturday peepo @ Far east.
Most prolly working at jurong with them at clarice's uncle restaurant.
Heh, although th pay/hour not very attractive, but it's okay, cus we intended to work for either 10 or 11 hours. You work you get money, no work no money. So it's kinda free and easy, plus my friends are working with me, why not. Haha.
Idk whut happened to mua, but i vomited out brown yellow green stuffs out yesterday.
Already wasn't feeling very well after th interview, somemore i didn't eat anything, and still able to vomit. Not bad right. Couldn't sleep last night. Woke up every hour, and just when i thought it was already 6plus, it's only 2.46am.
Wanted to msg sammy during that time, but.. ya.
And yeh guess whut i did when i can't sleep? Stayed in th toilet for 20mins.
Doing nothing.
Yeh you got it, doing nothing in th toilet. Just sitting on th floor, staring at th toilet bowl.
HAHA i'm serious! Y'guys might just think i'm crazy or whutever, but..
I can't sleep! Ya man, first time siol.

AnywayZZZ, heading to redshirt's chalet with Victorian secret @ 11, and i hope he's not late.
As y'know, he wakes up at 10plus, thinking that it's only 8plus. Pro ain't he. Haha.
Ya so. I'll be back on wed, i think. And till then.. So long~suckas.

Presenting to you my fav. picture with my dearest.
:D Joelynnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!