Tuesday, October 3, 2006


1st peri0d;hist0ry.argh nth much t0 add. next was science.had a test.al0t 0f tings dunnu. nvm.thn was recess.ahha.saw him.:)hehe.thn was chinese thn english.tcher cnnt c0ntr0l 0ur cls.haish.last was maths.ahhaa j0el g0t sc0lded by ms yee s0 m,any times. serve him right cuz he use rubber band hit my back s0 many times.s2pid thn he g0 take the calculat0r ting and started being pervertic,again.g0sh!ouhyah he trying t0 act sexy 0lso l0r.but he is quite sexy lah,fr0m what i see. thn wna attract the class's attenti0n. ahah thn he gt suan by ms yee. well d0ne!

lols. 2dae d0nt kn0w why s0 good girl study maths at first. then g0t b0red, thn study hist0ry. jiaqi,yuting,priscilia,xiuwei and j0elyn taught us hist0ry. actually quite fun lahs except the hist0ry tchers v0ice n0t seductive and attractive en0ugh f0r me t0 listen. ahhaa lols. studied till 5 plus. ahhaa. twonine was the last class t0 leave.it seems that instead of the 'o' levels final sprint, the sec2s are d0ing it instead. ahha. tchers stayed back to teach us. ok lah quite interesting. ahaha

rch hme at abt 7.5o? w0ah ouhkay thats late. ahah. thn went eat and thn bathe.ahah 1st time bathe s0 early.heh heh.=P and thn i am like studying hist0ry n0w? 0mg. cnnt bliv it.ahah nvm its nv t00 late t0 study mahs