Sunday, November 12, 2006

jyps camp

JYPS camp was finally 0ver.ahh can sleep well.sure l0ve the camp al0t man.s0 fun.esp when we are the instruct0rs.all s0 cute.

09nov: w0ke up at 5.25am. prepared evrything and g0t send me t0 JYPS. when i g0t t0 the sch, all s0 dark.but gt 0tha ldrs rched rdy. l0gistics packed evrything frm the pe rm and t00k taxi with hasyiqa and sha0 wei.t0 bed0k resev0ir at abt 7plus.the taxi driver s0 pervert de l0r. ok at first he drive the l0ng way and thn blame us f0r telling him the wr0ng r0ute.thn nvm.when gt red lights had t0 st0p.thn there was this w0man pulling her d0g cr0ssing the r0ad. thn the taxi driver talked v l0udly in e taxi:" this d0g is called lassy right??the d0g v nice.t00 bad the w0man nt nice.if nt evrything perfect.WEE WEET!" ahh! at that p0int 0f time the three 0f us dunnu what t0 d0.he s0und s0...irks!haha then we finally rched b.r, i t00k charge 0f grps 5,6,7,8... all 0f them s0 lively. then there was this grp- they had this very cute and funny cheer-n0rth s0uth east west......nadhirah the sexy 0ne.bernard the hands0me 0ne. HAHA s0 funny. then i taught them h0w t0 tie sheer lashing. haha.

headed back t0 sch00l at abt 12plus.there me syab shaowei and hasyiqa t00k taxi bcked t0 jyps again.hah all 0ther grps had t0 walk.we cn realx and take taxi! the next activity was amalina hasyiqa bernard and xinyan.bernard began his talk by playing sim0n says.this game is all abt h0nesty and integrity. there was this guy wh0 had n0 integrity man.he l0st the game still dunwan g0 behind.still wna c0ntinue.thn punishment he nv d0 properly.didnt even d0 lor.haiyah.nvm.

after lecture was the b0ring game.its was like the m0st b0ring game ever.all the prefect campers had t0 it in 0ne big circle.nt allowed t0 d0 anything.n0 laughing.n0 talking.n0 figgiting.n0 smiling.n0 nth.they must sit up straight and hands 0n their knees.haha i saw all their faces were like pissed and irritated cos all the ldrs wer elike laughing v l0ud and trying t0 make them laugh. bt n0ne laugh.i guess they were t00 serious le.hah! thn finally we t0ld them t0 relax and syab started talking t0 them.asking them t0 impr0ve 0n the game. next activity was in the hall where they had t0 play games like wack0 and stuffs. thn after that was 0utd00r c00king.frm there, i t00k charge and t0ld them abt the 0utd00r c00king. wah they had pasta,canned f00ds and even salt! hahah heavenly man! i didnt knw what t0 d0 during thn s0 i j0ined hazelin's grp.talked w them. hah that grp s0 fun! thn next was CAMPFIRE time! i didint participate bt 0ther ldrs said that the campers were s0 lifeless.haha me and hasyiqa went t0 buy cake f0r mr lee!haha we walked s0 l0ng.0ne wh0le r0und arnd that plce b4 we cn find the cake sh0p.we 0rdered a 1kg ch0c0late cake and quickly br0ught bck t0 sch.thn we sneaked int0 the staff l0unge with the tcher and out the cake n the was meant t0 be a surprise f0r mrlee.

after the campfire was c0nfidence walk-kwn as night walk.the plan was 4grps g0 bathe.4grps stay t0 play.thn take turns.haha the campers were all blindf0lded and they had t0 walk in the dark,f0ll0wing 0ur v0ices and we had t0 lead them t0 the hall.many were scared cos s0me ldrs scared them by making th0se woowooooo n0ises.and the campers were like"st0p it lah! s0 irritating! shut up!" haha all s0 cute.

after evrything was 0ver, it was abt 11plus gg 12.thn they were all brought bcked t0 their rms and slp.thn the ldrs celebrated mr lee bdae!haha.he was s0 sh0cked and t0uched.thn sang bdae s0ng and evryhting,j0ey t00k the present 0ut.its was a b0xer wrapped until v thick.she added p0wder and p00r mrlee had t0 0pen bit by bit and thn gt the p0wder.aahah! the b0xer was was s0 cute.haha! we ate the cake and it was v yummy. thn aft eating j0ey went t0 wash her hands thn the water kena till her ants.when she walked bcked mrdavid said"aiyo.h0ld bladder t00 l0ng ah." " this girl ah.wah very jalat lah" j0ey was like...d0ts.thn we all laughed and played awhile b4 we g0 0ut and eat.

at abt 12plus mrlee,mrdavid,jeremiah,bernard,j0ey,shaowei,s00nyang,kenneth,agnes and me went t0 eat at the nearby cffe shp.s00nyang 0rdered carr0t cake and a plate 0f fried egg with 0syter. it was v agnes cnnt eat,thn s00nyang s0 bad g0 make fun 0f agnes.i shall nt say it 0ut.haah!thn he 0s0 talked al0t 0f craps lah.s0 funny la he.

thn at abt 1 we headed bcked t0 jyps.frm there.we were 0n 0ur 0wn.haha thn me agnes and j0ey went t0 bathe.btj0ey ddint bathe.she nt used t0 batheing in camps.s0 str0ng huh! haha thn went t0 j0ey agnes slpt 0n the table.while syab and huiping slpt 0n the flr.thn the rest 0f the girls slpt in the hall 0r in the parade square.haha s0 0ny the few 0f us slpt in the clsrm....s0 tired.

0n the 2nd day when i w0ke up, my sh0ulder was aching like hell! v pain.ouch!bt n0 ch0ice had t0 c0ntinuet the day. the first activity was exercise.haha the l0gistics didnt participate cos we went t0 help t0 clear the campfire. haha at the field there gt al0t 0f charc0als. dunnu hw t0 clear.thn s00nyang the crap0 suggested that we disperse evrything 0n the field.what a 'clever'idea he t0ught 0f. in the end we picked up the charc0als and thr0w away. aft that was breakfast.all had nasi jeremiah and agnes cnnt eat nas lemak.s0 mrlee went t0 buy bread f0r agnes and prata f0r jeremiah.haha agnes dunwan eat thn pass Vevrything t0 jere.hah they s0 funny lah.

thn aft that was area cleaning. aft that was the the end,grp 2 and 5 w0n.(if i nt wr0ng) thn we had debrief and all.when evrything was 0ver evry0ne gathered at the hall.. thn the campers asked f0r 0ur signatures and msn and t00k pictures with them! 0MG ALL 0F THEM ROCKED LAH!ESP THOMAS AND YEEYING AND ATIKAH AND STILL GT. next time i put the pictures up let u see. they all s0 cute!!

it was sad t0 leave them,bt had n0 ch0ice.we said gdbye and left the sch... then aft that me and agnes went t0 eat at tm.there we saw this super tall army guy.wahseh he s0 tall!

aft that?hha g0 hme! and i slpt.frm 2.30 t0 7. thn frm 9 t0 bathed thn sleep again!haaha t00dles!

this camp simply rocks! all 0f them s0 cute! rock 0n pple!(: