Saturday, April 19, 2008

30days since super teens workshop.
Quote of the day: Attitudes are self-created. you can either choose to be victimized by circumstances and people, or choose to look at life with an open mind and be victorious. No one else can choose your attitude for you. Your perspective and choice to be in control. That is th essence of freedom.

Okay, so i haven't been using th computer lately. practically cus i'm super lazy to switch on th comp, and I'm studying these days. haha hardworking i know. exams are near th corner, so must study. wrong sentence structure, i have always been hardworking. duh. HAHA.

yesterday was 2.4, and my dearest loveliest sexiest cutest whatever joelyn sprained her ankle. i don't know how in the world did she do that, but i think its cus she can't wait to see me, run too fast then kena sprained. girl ah, i know la, miss me. but still, take care of your legs okay:D hahah.

Studied with th coolest people just now, and once again, saw th 4/1 people. haha. so fated siol.
okay, next week's alot people bdays.
and first up, mua best friend! hahaha!
wish you happy advanced bday first, cus i'll not be using comp next week( i think)
best friend's th best yoyoyoyo! haha, love you! don't get too stressed over studies alright, you need help, i'm here to guide you. have confidence, and you'll succeed!

and nextnext, sexiest darling bday:D
babe, i seriously love you like no one's business la. what can i say, long years of friends, and i really appreciate you alot:D ahhaahhahaa. love youuuuuu, and don't be sad!(i also dont know why) oh yah, and thank you for helping me to tell ______ that i like _____. hahahhah. love you so so so so freakin' mucho.

seriously, i think i like _____ alotalotalotalot.
okay bye all, good luck for MYE, and sec4s, we can do it yo! All th best. esp_____. HAHA.