(So yeh, to those out there who thinks i can't be an astronaut, think twice)
Anyway, today hasn't much to blog about la.
Just wna show y'guys this girl's blog.
(Lemme be sarcastic for once yeh?)
She's pretty, cute, hot, sexy, and all th good words you can think of.
Mind me, i'm being sarcastic yo.
If y'guys are free, view her blog, and make sure y'guys see th video on 11june in her blog.
SO DAMN CUTE MAN. (ahem, sarcasm's still on)
Okay, enough of it.
I don't wna go too far.
Anyway, am not attending chem lessons tml basically cus i have redshirts course to attend.
Well yeh, kinda miss those people man.
Those times where most of us will hang out together after every events or camps.
And talked like no one's business till late then go home.
And yes, will not forget OUR redshirts camp.
those hardships where we had to go through.
Although its almost time to say goodbye now, but guys,
Let's keep th spirit high up no matter where we will go,
Not forgetting th new badges of juniors, keep th coral spirit high alright, never let redshirts down.
(starts crying)
Oh, will be heading to aunt's house @ woodlands tml after th course,
Thursday going out with Pamyyy, babe and wani.
Saturday going Ruban's apache's house to suntan with th girls.
And Monday's th start of school, ain't that good or what.
Yeh, i miss babe, i miss pamy, i miss Jo.
Before i go off, i like this picture below:D

(you don't like also cannot do anything)
Kay bye y'all,
till then, so long~ suckers.