Before i begin everything, HappyBirthday Ganga:D
Anyway, i didn't managed to trick AXiuwei that today has school.
She msged me in th morning asking me what homework(s) do we have.
And i told her now having extra amaths lesson, Stupid but clever didn't believe meD:
HAHA break my heart la you. Tml mrsTan in school scold you not my problem ah!
Managed to complete all my homework except for Eng compo.
No mood to do ahhhhhhhhhhhhh sian man.
Went bowling with (dearest) neighbors last friday, and yes.
FINALLY we managed to bowl after waiting for like.. 3hrs?
Siao liao ah, wait so long.
But time passes very quickly with them. Cus they're so fun!
Haha, saw some npcc guys from prcs and some ex corallites who are FREAKING RUDE.
skip that rude part first.
Total 8people went, only me and sister were girls.
I was using weight6 all along, then at th last round, i decided to be crazy and used weight8 in th last round. And guess what? I got SPARE ahhhhhhh. so i had and extra bowl, stupid me right. Could've used 8 from th beginning, i thought it was very heavy, but my sister can carry leh. so i tried. cheekennnnnnnnn, if not i can win all of them and got first, instead of 5th?
Okay th rude part.
we finished bowling around 1115, and as we were walking out from th bowling alley, this group of ex corallites( from 4/9) last year, saw us and whispered to their friends; wa all black sia.
EH damn you mtfk. So what if my neighbors all Indians?
You very white ah? Cheeken you, got balls come say to us la!
Wa piang eh, my neighbors not Chinese cannot ah? At least they're cooler and more mature than you okay.
Go jump down tenth floor and die la. BOOM:D

Thinking of youth day,
Friday's assembly with Jo was superb man!
Haha we had lots of fun sitting in th front, and huanYe was infront of me. And Jo wanted to TIAK his ears, damn funny sia. but her hands not long enough ah, what to do.
Then there was this part where each class had ppt dedications from teachers, so th song ShaLaLa was played, so she grab my hands from th back and started dancing. Then there was this moment, i lifted up my elbow(let her smell haha no la) and hit her chin. REAL HARD SIOL, th sound was like TOCK! Haha crap i laughed my ass off.
But i think she's alright now la, super funny sia. dance halfway then TOCK. hahahahahahaha joke!
Anyway i've been listening to this song these few days:D
Dance Jo, dance! oh oh oh sha la la la la~
Yeh, I'm supposed to be in thailand now la!
Cus th students there kena HIV positive, so we can't go.
Super sad can, postpone trip so many times already, then they say we might go in december,
Don't bluff la, dec we already graduate from coral, Principal will want to sponsor us meh?
Guess i'll have to go with parents. Thailand, BEST.
Btw i miss Thailand trip with Thanes and Don. D:
Okay bye y'all.
Till then, so long~ Tooters.
(words may be strong when th first time you hear them, baby know you're scared but never less try to hear them, no false pretense its nothing but th real deal, love coming from th man of steel.)