Once a Barker, always a Barker!

(kupped from Missy Laicuixia's blog:D)
Hey y'all! I'm back from Obs!
Fwawawawa, Obs was superb! And I still miss Obs as much.
Anyway an update on whut happened during th 5day course, read on if you're interested.
First day, met up with th coolest peepo at punggol jetty, headed down together to th Obs service centre, got separated into 2diff groups, aka sui sen and barker.
And if you've read those peepo blogs who went for this 5day course, you'll know that i'm separated from th rest of th sec4 girls.
1st day.
Well yeh, i was appointed to be in Barker, whereas agnes and th rest were in sui sen.AT FIRST i was very very sad, like why i diff group with them sia basket. I'm th only sec4 girl in my group, alongside with like 4 other sec4 guys, and th rest were sec3.
I was sad la like duh, but then i thought.. Instead of grumbling and wasting my energy on being sad/moody, why not be friends with th sec3s, whut's more we're all corallites. Yeh and so y'should know whut i did.I'm glad i came into this team, cus i've met some of th coolest peepo whom i thought were not.
And also, my team instructor was FWAWAWAWAHHH. Hot from some angles, but sad thing is he's married with a 5mth old girl. Yeh oh but he's not bad looking. Resembles someone from some angles. Haha.
Took boat to Obs campsite, put down our stuffs and went to our store, aka our bunks.
And i tell you, Obs campsite is like damn like siol, they even have a canteen and facilities.. FWAWAWA. Powerful to th maximum!
First activity of th day was kayaking:D As y'peepo know, i love kayaking alot alot alot! And yeh, i was happy at that moment. Briefing about safety measures and bla, soon we're in water.
Capsizing drill was fun! HAHA i didn't know it'd be this fun, maybe cus my partner was Andi la.
You've to like sit in th kayak and shake th kayak from side to side a few times so you'll be able to capsize. I didn't know Andi was so strong, we turnover at th first time we shook th kayak. I wasn;t even prepared to capsize but POOP, we're under water. And th funny thing is, Andi is a 2start kayaker, and he's like afriad of capsizing. Haha sorry but, i think it's funny. HEH.
After everyone capsized, we were far into th sea. And now time fo rht real one, capsizing in th middle of th sea. FUN RIGHT.
After kayaking was lunch, or was it dinner? Ah naahmind, we had our food at th canteen, VERY NICE. And because of this canteen, I'll always remember this saying:
Coming together is the beginning, staying together is a process, dying together is a commitment.
Very inspiring for me thou. And another one..
Bound for discovery, changed for life.
Oh and another one!
Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but fooprints, keep nothing but memories.
okay bttp, after dinner, washed up and cleaned up and bla, headed off to our campsite1, turned in for th night there. And as y'know, it has been raining for th past few days, and so th soil was damn muddy. By th look of my shoes and you'll know whut i meant yo.
2nd day.
Woke up at 5.55am the next day (oh btw Barkers i miss waking up at 555!), packed our tents and had morning PT. This morning PT was th most interesting and fun exercises i've been tru, all thanks to SAM and DAYAH who made it so fun. Our PT wasn't like those super typical one. Ours was made like a game. Idk how to explain but yeh. FUN SIOL.
After PT was something chilling.. FLYING FOX! FWAWAWA.
I was th 4th person to go off flying, and in case y'don't know, this flying fox was th longest flying fox back in 2003 in asia. Some time in 2005, thailand built a slightly longer one. So y'can imagine how long it'd be right. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU and i landed with a hard knock on my head. I don't know whut hit me when i came to th end point, but it's something like a piece of wood, which i don't see it at all. Ya but, th scenery on top was beautiful when y'look down at things. Blue sky and green grass and bla, perfect!
Anyway FADLY, I'm really glad you've overcome your fear of heights and managed to complete this task, nothing's too hard for you to achieve as long as you set your mind to it yeh! Congrats yo ex-neighbour!
After flying was lunch, then we were off for hiking.
Th stuffs we carried were DROP DEAD HEAVY.
Imagine if you were to carry a bag full of tin cans. plus maggie mees and 4L water bottles full of water. Oh yes, i carried this all th way. Wouldn't be surprised why my shoulder still hurts.
Others carried tents and clothes bags and bla. I'mma strong girl! Heh.
So after like walking for VERY far in th rain, we finally reached campsite2, headed for shelter and th rain went even heavier, HENG AH.
Anyway, we settled down for dinner and bla, so me and cui xia took th pots out and wash.
Under th not so clear route directions by Sam, we went into th guys toilet to wash! HAHA, damn funny i tell you. Cus th guys toilet has 2 entrance, so we thought th entrance lead to diff places, so yeh. went in, we washed, and that GIRL kept scaring me that there's frogs in th toilet.
Headed back to shelter and duh, Sam found out and we were laughing like hardcore siol!
Bathed washed up, pitched tents and turned it for th night.
Sleeping with wild boars, how cool is that!
And for me, i think 2nd night was th best night, although it was very cold.
3rd day.
woke up, PT, breakfast, washed up and bla, and we were off for AMAZING RACE.
Imagine how far we walked, from one end of pulau ubin to th other, damn far.
But.. Th journey with my dearest Barkers was very heartwarming.
I miss my dear Barkers! LETS MEET UP!
Many times its not about th product or th end point, it's about th process.
Reached checkpoint 8 and guess whut we did! FWAWAWAWAWA.
O yes, jumping straight into th quarry which is about... 10storeys deep?
You've to like put one leg out and th other when you jump in, DAMN FUN! and th water, was much much clearer and better then sea water, heh duh!
I was th first to jump, guess whut's th feeling like!
After everyone was in water, we relaxed, splashed water and bla. None of us felt like leaving th water, that's how cool it is!
Continued our journey and reached our sleeping campsite.
This campsite was FUUUUUU, super in th wild siol.
You pee shit eat sleep change in th outdoors with who? Th wild boars! AHA.
And if you wna shit, you've to dig a hole in th soil, shit in it and bury it! HAHA COOL OR WHUT.
4th day.
Sea expedition! Yeh babeh!
4leaders to lead th rest all th way back to OBS campsite. Ahemahem, i was th only female leader. HEH!
So yeh, we kayak all th way back to OBS campsite, was expecting to reach at about 4plus or 5plus, and guess whut tim we reached! 1.23pm, if i'm not wrong!
And oh, we started kayaking at 8am.
And yes, pee in th sea, lunch at sea and bla.
This is one of th activities i'd never forget.
Bakers and Sui sen, I'll remember y'guys for life!
Cleaned, washed up and bla, had our last dinner togetherD:
It's sorta like a celebration dinner, where barkers and sui sen had to prepare a dish for Sam and Dayah.
And our dish name, Samdabasen! Cool or whut.
5th, and last day.
Woke up, packed up, cleaned up, washed th tents, ponchos and bags and all, i was feeling a lil irritated at that point of time. Don't ask why, but find something to do if you have none at that time:D
Had our last coral cheer, billy banja together.
Break camp and all, boat back to mainland.
And seriously, we were not used to stepping on solid ground. Not used to seeing vehicles, not used to city life.
We were all like tarzans and janes! HAHA.
Last meal together at punggol plaza KFC, hung out for a lil while more before we finally bid farewell and left for home.
Whutever it is, I really miss OBS alot, and my one and only Barker, not forgetting sui sen.
This journey has made me realise many a thing.
Teamwork, cooperation, trust, initiative and bla.
I'd never forget all of you guys and i want to thank you guys.
Thankyou Barkers( Andi, cui xia, shuting, ade, hafiz, vit, hazim, fadly, pearl, gillian, shadirah, diana, afiq, jodie, sarah) for pushing and having confidence in one another.
We might not be as efficient as Sui sen, but in our hearts, we'll always be th best and th very best Barker that Sam has formed.
Thankyou Sam, for cracking up jokes at th right time to cheer us up and all, and also having patience in Barkers. I hope we've made you proud, and don't forget us please!
Thankyou Khairul and Syab, for pushing me and vit on during th SeaEX journey, joking with us and always waiting for us. Thankyou very much.
Thankyou pearl for accompanying me back to our store even thought it's already very late.
Thankyou Cuixia and Shuting for listening me rant about stupid stuffs, and cuixia, really thankyou very much. I'd never forget th boys toilet and FROGS thing!
Thankyou Agnes and huiping, for making me remind myself that i can still strive on even if y'guys are not around! And also thanks for hearing me out in KFC, agnes esp!
Thankyou ade and hafiz, th 2 ever strong guys who would help girls out when they're tired and heavy. Y'guys are much stronger than some of th sec4s! HAHA.
Thankyou sui sen and barkers, for upholding th image of coral, I'll miss you guys, that's for sure.
And lastly, thankyou Mr David for giving me this opportunity to experience OBS life, I appreciate it very very much.
My apologies to you peepo if i've flared u or showed you attitude at times, if i've not contributed much at times, if i've not consider your thinkings and feelings at times, if i've not done my best.
But whuever it is, Barkers will always be my one and only!
To all barkers, remember our barker song right! I've grown to love this song, and oh, let's meet up one day! Love y'guys!
No matter whut, i wished you enough.
I wish you enough sun, to keep your attitude bright.
I wish you enough rain, to appreciate the sun more.
I wish you enough gain, to satisfy your wantings.
I wish you enough happiness, to keep your spirit alive.
I wish you enough loss, to appreciate all that you possess.
I wish you enough pain, so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger.
And lastly,
I wish you enough Hellos, to get you through the final Goodbyes..
OBS: To serve, to strive, and not to yield.
That's whut it's all about.

My 3 lovely redshirts.

Oh, i'll be leaving for taiwan on saturday, and i guess i won't be blogging till i'm back?
Don't worry, i can survive without comp for a long period of time, all thanks to OBS!
Really, i can adapt to life without using phones and comp now y'know!
Till then, so long~suckas.