Monday, December 29, 2008

Quote of the day: Ignorant men don't know what good they hold in their hands until they've flung it away.
Heyyo. Met up with White man(Ruban) and black girl(Joelyn) yesterday and today!:D
Unexpectedly I was th first to arrive, white and black were late.
Headed down to bugis and black girl did some shopping, rich girl ma.
After that headed back to downtown and caught Yes man!
Ya okay it's funny but not to the extend where you'll laugh very very hard, and it's only some part of th show thats funny. But nonetheless, Jim carrey's a very good actor who can make peepo laugh and cry la. Not bad not bad.
Sent black girl home, bet she's happy rightttttttttttt.
Met up with them today and went to white man's apache house.
Caught mamma mia! I know we're outdated but who cares anyway. Ya their voices power very the full one. Haha.
As whut black girl said, o's results will be out on th 16th. And obviously I'm scared of getting back results. Don't think about this first, let's celebrate first la.
Heading out with Sammy to the gym tomorrow, and white man, I do go for gym sessions one kayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Not strong like you i know but still not very weak hor.
I'm bored, surprisingly.
Lemme show you guys some cats which i think are funneh.
OR would yo guys prefer to see this?