HEYYOOOO, I'm back with ALL my taiwan pictures! Hahah okay not ALL actually, i took like th whole morningto resize everything, uploaded like 90% of them onto photobucket, and now, blogger:D It's gna be a longgggggggggggggg post with alottttttttttttttttttt of pics, up to you ah.
Let's begin! (idk why i'm super high now btw)

Alighted at Kaoshiung airport, reached there around 5plus in th evening and it's already complete darkness.
Not really cold yet. Met up with my tour guide and group peepo, headed to 夜市and it's FULL of peepo, squeeze here squeeze there until dry already. HAHA.

In case you're wondering, this is the sotong's leg. Damn big sia.

And this, yeh crab's big big legs.

Some machine which they use to make kuehs.

back to hotel, o well th hotel's very nice! My sis and i got a king size bed each, so i don't have to sleep with her, fwawawa.
Day2, headed to some farm by train, went to train station, went to this temple which was destroyed by th 921 bombings, and surprisingly nothing inside was damaged, and those peepo who were inside at that time weren't injured! All thanks to MaZu. Went to grapes farm, and O, th grapes are huge!

This thing's very fun, and i tried alot of times balancing on it, but failed.

I left this shirt in Taiwan! Omg it's one of my fav. shirt siaaaaaaaaD:

This temple.. so amazing.

Headed back to our hotel, had hot spring in th closed area, and th water is lie 47degrees, burning hot but you'll be numb after awhile. They had this spring which has chairs in it, you sit on it in water while relaxing. And another one, i think it's less than 10degrees, very very cold. But as usual, you'll be numb after awhile. I had fun here in th hot spring. For hot peepo ma, HAHA opps.

One of th 原住民, their traditional dance is very catchy and nice!
Day3, taipei 101, building damn tall. After which headed to kaoshiung international garden.
AT night headed to 西門町, and their oyster meesua and 蚵仔煎 very yummy, like much nicer than sg's one, haha i like to compare la ya la.

Our hotel view, very nice rightttttttttttttt.

It's 7.32am, and you can still see th moon!

Th roses are watered with milk, as in th milk we drink. That's why so nice.

Last time th president's car, so squarish.

Hui San! :D

At first i read name as "de ma ah" then my sis was like.. Is "ah ma de" laaaaa. HAHA.

This place is like a point where boats park and unload their loads, very windy.

Alot of thes kind of skies, makes your heart go awwww.

So long righttttttt.

Poor Boa.

This stuff is also popular there, ya quite nice la, cold weather cold food, yahoooo!
Day4, went to see one of th 7wonders of the world, unfortunately when we came to th wonder stuff, our cam batt went dead, so pictures are with Hui san, wait till she sends them to me..

Strong or whut, haha.
After that place we went to this small street on top of th hill, i think.. food there was the best.

See how packed all th houses are, not very developed i say.
No more pictures for hat afternoon all thanks to the camera.
At night, back into our hotel, 頭城農場, aka 小蜜蜂's resort. saw fireflies at night and ate fruits instantly from th trees there. Had lanterns on and fireworks and firecrackers, best night i've had in taiwan!

Th lantern we made, your wish on it and lit it up and it'll float up like some hot air balloon..
Up in th dark dak sky. God fulfill my wish pluuese.

Had BBQ for dinner, coolio! OUr tour guide says of all th tour group he's taken, our group can BBQ th best, well.. HAHA.

The wishing tree, you write your wish on a bamboo and tie up here.

Er ya so he's 小蜜蜂, sis says he's not. I think not bad also la, HAHA.

Back to hotel, camwhored with sister:D

Day5, woke up very early in th morning wanted to catch th sunrise, but it rained that night, so no sunrise to watch, damn suey. But nonethless, after rain th view also not bad! Breakfast, played bubbles.

My tour guide's pig! Haha o th pig's very cute, doesn't oink.
Left th farmhouse, went to visit Ma Zu, made of jade and gold, must be very heavy. And that picture on many dragons, it's designed by someone in th olden days, kept till now, and this is th only one left now.

Left th place, headed to 花蓮, this place, no factories at all, so air there very clean and fresh. And this place's more of geog, alot of nice nice views. lemme show you!

Saw th beach? Caused by depositon and erosion.

Look at th rays which shines in th middle of th sea, me and Dylan took alot alot of it's picture! Haha okay typical tourists i know.

Aiya suaku la i know.

I know got alot of about th same pictures, bus ride was like 4hours plus, i slept for an hour and took pictures, listen music look at views th rest of th times:D
So after like so long, we almost reah our destination.
Middle course. Not alot of pictures taken here cus my sister's holding onto th cam without taking much shots, so yeh.

So our tour guide told us that if we're able to throw stones to th opposite side, he'll reward us but apparently no one has succeed up till now. Looks near but is very far.

Was originally a hill, but workers drilled a hole tru it so it became like a route that allows cars to drive tru.

I don' tknow how these holes came about, tour guide says peepo have been there, HAHA.

Th coffee that we're drinking, brewed from pure water taken from th hills, o yeh it taste diff from sg coffee, HAHA.

Thee's sota a wtefall at th back, coming out from below th temple, i think very nice la.

with our tour guide, xiao Ye.
Left that wonderful place and headed to jade factory. I bought a necklace from there:D
They're like having a xmas sale, so i got like 40% off? Cool or whut.

At night went t see 原住民 perform, got hot guys whose figures are like... Perfect girls figure! O but they quite.. hot la haha.

Checked in at th hotel, another very nice one:D
Day6, Farglory ocean park! Teen's favourites!

Toilet signs, HAHA.

I pronounced it as falcony at first, HAHA stupid i know, shhh!

Their "wet and wild" is totally diff from sg's one. At there, before you woosh down, th machines will turn your boat like 180degrees, so you'll go down with your backs facing th slide instead of th normal and boring way. Okay i know you don't know whut i'm saying. Complicated.

Viking ship, it's like 90degrees up siallllll.

Friends i've made in my tour group:D I miss them!
Dylan, me, yi jie, yi mei, yi ting, sis, dylan's bro.

Hot spring in th open!

At night, went to 小熊度假村, danced around with th peepo there, and had fireworks firecrackers and lit up lanterns.
It's called 小熊度假村 cus when peepo first saw this island on a helicopter, it looked like a bear's paw, hence th name. Weird but ya.

This is our bedroom, it's a 2storey room, with a living room too. A lil like chalet kinda structure, and it's entirely made up of wood!

Lavenders, they are beautiful.
After that headed to KenTing, anoher very very windy place. Just look at th photos and you'll see.

The view here, awesome. Speechless. Total coolness.
Back to hotel.

All th diff 原住民s, 18 of them in total.
Day7, headed back to sg.
Morning call at 4. Damn early, flight was supposed to be at 915, but it was delayed to 1015.
So yeh, summing up everything, I MISS TAIWAND:
It's be great if i had a chance to go back there with th same tour group.
Yeh okay bye, i SPENT th whole day uploading and blogging about it. Started at 10plus, and now its 7.44pm. Cool or whut!
Yeh bye!
O, in 3.5hours time, Merry Xmas everyone.
