hoped you'e enjoyed yourself today, as much as we did:D
Its been sooooooooooooo long since I've seen you, like seriously but you're still th only one and blur sotong friend I HAVE IN MY LIFE. Love youuuuuuuu!
Anyway yaZZZ i'm back to blog and...... urgh facebook's being a bitch, throwing tantrums and rejecting my NEED to sign in. My crops in farmtown are all gonna die oh no!
2nd thing, i've got something to complain about!
Some...... LOSER(L) who seems like she don't know where she stands...
(sounds a lil crude but.........)
Ya urghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I can't stand people who LIE about their results, seriously.
I meant, come on man. whut's th use of telling others how GREAT your results are when some of them are actually.... er, you added bonus marks yourself? I dont know man, if you got an E, just say so la. Put D very happy ah? Okay lor, you happy can already. RAWR.
Ms young screened us th movie <Blood Diamond> today, and it was awesome (good good). It's how you feel usually after those touching and meaningful movies. People in Sierra Leone lack th rights to vote and choose for themselves, how sad. I know diamonds costs a BOMB, even if it's as tinny as an ant. Sometimes you really can't help it but keep those ants for yourselv es, BUT end up getting killed BANGBANGBANG. Solomon Vandy's a brave man, he risked his life, saving his son. How noble! Glad we stayed behind and watched it, cus it's really worth our time!
Speaking about Movies......................

Anyone up for this movie?
I haven't been using th comp for 3days, been studying (HAHA) and guess whut, I've got STAR to attend. Urgh I'm so gna be stuck in sch till 6 on mon tue thurs YAYYYYYYYYY Vpeace.
I've got myself a new boyfriend, LEE MIN QI. He's got a nice name right(;
we adopted a new pet named Lammy and there's a 3rd party in this complicated relationship, her name is GAN JIA MIN. ya i'm blogging for th sake of d oing so. Not self-centred ZZZZZZ.

(grab it while you can!)
hey you, screw offfffffffffffffffffff bitch cus you ain't hot enough for this post HAHA loser.
hoped you'e enjoyed yourself today, as much as we did:D
Its been sooooooooooooo long since I've seen you, like seriously but you're still th only one and blur sotong friend I HAVE IN MY LIFE. Love youuuuuuuu!
Anyway yaZZZ i'm back to blog and...... urgh facebook's being a bitch, throwing tantrums and rejecting my NEED to sign in. My crops in farmtown are all gonna die oh no!
2nd thing, i've got something to complain about!
Some...... LOSER(L) who seems like she don't know where she stands...
(sounds a lil crude but.........)
Ya urghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I can't stand people who LIE about their results, seriously.
I meant, come on man. whut's th use of telling others how GREAT your results are when some of them are actually.... er, you added bonus marks yourself? I dont know man, if you got an E, just say so la. Put D very happy ah? Okay lor, you happy can already. RAWR.
Ms young screened us th movie <
Speaking about Movies......................

Anyone up for this movie?
I've got myself a new boyfriend, LEE MIN QI. He's got a nice name right(;
we adopted a new pet named Lammy and there's a 3rd party in this complicated relationship, her name is GAN JIA MIN. ya i'm blogging for th sake of d
(grab it while you can!)
hey you, screw offfffffffffffffffffff bitch cus you ain't hot enough for this post HAHA loser.