Ok since Clarice requested that I upload pictures (which I haven't done so in donkey years), I decided to recharge my camera and upload 'em.
Wow, it takes hell lots of patience to do these. Not that I hate waiting, but life becomes meaningless when you've t sit in front of th screen resizing pics and waiting for them t be uploaded. How sad.
But come t think of it, I've an unfortunate amount of pics that needed t be uploaded. No I can't torture my already-so-boring life like that. That's why I decided only t upload those @ chalet during th hols.

(blogger's uploading prog's being a bitch, and photobucket's making these pics smaller. * )
Oh. There's school on Monday and apparently Mrs Koh's returning us our math paper.
Holyshit. It'd better be a pass or else I'll have tea w th principal. But I'll bring bread to munch.
Ahhhhhhhh, whut ever bread'll prolly choose strawberry jam over you, peanut butter.
Oh did I mention I switched t contacts? But holyshit I look like some cheena slut in pictures.