you can't escape death twice

sihui th supermodel.

osman's small garden.

pohling th.. great? hahaa.

i kinda like this pic. like so professional.

emo femmo.
after mr osman house went to may's condo for class bbq.
i don't know i'm a suaku or what,
but her condo was so damn effing huge!
from guardhouse to may's apartment like need at least 10mins?
super far siol.
anyway, you guys know whta's may brother name called?
guess people, guess.
his name is called ryan.
goddddddddd. i told him i like him cus of his name.
and i think he's freaked out. OOPS!
okayy, back t th point.
we had class bbq, me, sihui, xiuwei, may and sarah reached th bbq pit first.
and beside th pit, there was this pool with a slide in it.
as you can see, obviously we needa make full use of th pool right?
me and sihui were So tempted to slide down.
first we walk down, then. ehhhh fun hor?
okay, we slide down. in jeans and shirts.
may went down too,
and we pushed xiuwei into th pool. wooo~
she's wearing a dress.
whoever came were also pushed into th pool,
and th whole class were wet.
except JOEL TAY.
big L to you joel. spoiltbrat.
had bbq, me, sihui, joelyn, tiara and izyan started bbq-ing first.
thanks tiara for starting th fire(:
had loads of fun with them.
went home all wet with joelyn.
i tell you in th bus, we both were like..
zzz. freezinggggggg. super cold siol.
and joelyn, being afraid of being alone,
when i alighted, she needed to call someone so as not to feel scared.
hahhaaa, but i really LOVE taking bus home with her.
i super love 3/9 now!(:
too bad, only xiuwei joey and leeting brought cams,
so we didn't had much pics.
i officailly love my class. like finally.