Quote of th day: Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough troubles of its own. After all, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.
Speech day rehersal today, went home with th malay girls. and i tell you they're super funny, esp when amalina laughs like no one's business alright! th coral dance club danced welljust now, and half of th time i was looking at CHERYL dancingl! girl, i love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
Saw ashwin, chatted with him for awhile, and i've realised its been long since i really talked to him. got loads to update yo. yeh, confidants huh.
campcraft comp's on thurs after lessons at 1730, which means that we have to go all th way down to chua chu kang just to get our timing and structures done, and go back pasir ris. okay, sound stupid i know, but what to do. every saturday like raining, no choice but to postpone th competition. go coral npcc! good luck!
wondered how're th rest of sec4&5 are in th superteen wokrshop. i miss them. goddddddddd,
ernest, ken, peter, 4/9 misses you like oo la la.

imissyou, you know who.