Saturday, April 5, 2008

16days since superteens workshop.
Quote of th day: Learn to laugh at your own troubles and you'll never run out of things to laugh at.

i miss those times when we go down till late in th nights to talk and hang out with other neighbours, although we still do that nowadays, you don't really come down often now. haha, i miss you alot, and we shall catch up real soon! 14years already, best of luck in your studies and stop being so attractive! many guys are after you right?! hahaha.

Alright, so lessons today was stressed, but fun.
Fiona and Rebecca made me laughed?
and Rebecca was staring into space for 20mins when chemistry started, can tell she's tired.
haha, and Fiona, who sings totally off key, made me sing too! fun right i know. hahahaha.
i told Fiona today's my 5200th day on earth, and she says I'm old. so to all other people who're older than me, she's implying that you're very old. oops. thats what she meant. :O

caught up with babe and her guy after lessons,
and i'm glad we're back to like how we used to be last time.
yes yes yes, we hugged 3times, as quoted in her blog, haha. not bad eh?
her guy was oh-so-ever-blur kind one, and sometimes you can lie flat trying to talk to him.
hahahaha, but still, he's nice laaaa. but keep looking at girls onlyyyyyy~ chehhh.

Oh ya, and i wna have abs! like totally i tell you.
i seriously think that girls who have stomach abs are totally sexy and hot can?
i wna train on my abs, but anyone has any idea how to train for them?
jo said must do krutches, i tried. haha, any other ideas? tell me please yo. thankyou.

and i found out something about myself, i can study till super late in th night, provided i sleep in th evening. and i don't feel tired th next day, and th words can go into my mind more easily. isn't that good or what. HAHA.

(doesn't mean i didn't voice out my thoughts means i don't care about it alright. i still care, yes:D)

Fyi; I'll be wearing my new specs starting from today(5'April'08).
you think not nice i also don't care. i think nice can already. till then, so long~ suckers.