Quote of th day: Laughter is a tranquillizer with no side effects.
International friendship day today,
had some sort of performance in th hall, and that crane is so cool la babe.
of course i also got hear what th people were talking about,
and its kinda true la, break those walls and you'll be happy.
right right right. ahhahaha.
Let's see, chemistry o'level spa today?
not too bad thou, but after everything was over, you can hear people screaming like omg! really? walau i put th other way round siaa and all sorts of omg expressions. hahaha.
Right now, i'm chatting with babe,
and just like what she said in her blog,
i'm making her laugh hardcore, well to me,
its th other way round.
do add up shamiraishot@hotmail.com. and you'll find out why you can't access,
basically cus she's not hot, thats whyits an error, yes, no? hahahaha.
but if you try adding pohlingishotter@hotmail.com, you'll be able to access. HAHA.
she's making me laugh la, crazy girlfriends. woooo.
this is how it happened,
qiyuan asked me for her email, and i gave shamiraishot@hotmail.com.
so he believed it and said thanks to me, (okay this is funny already)
and then i told her about this, she laughed, and then she asked me for his email.
i gave her qiyuaniscool@hotmail.com, and guess what.
she believed it too! like omg! hahahhahaa. she actually believed it even after i told her i tricked qiyuan, babe, you're so damn funneh laaaaaaaaaa!
i wna study for chemistry today, even though test is postponed.
people, lets wait and see my chem get A, or at least B.
am i crapping? oh no. i hope not. hahaa.

(haha, look stupid i know, but niceee.)