Quote of th day: Failure is never final and success is never ending.
Caught Narnia with BitchJ and Jabez yesterday.
Okay that movie is nice, beginning was kinda boring, cus war haven't start yet.
But th rest of th movie was interesting.
FOR NARNIAAAAAAAAAAAA. (Bet xiuwei's irritated) HAHA.
And those 2 clever human, didn't bring jacket at all.
Practically BitchJ was lazy to bring i guess, and th other, don't know why.
So being a kind soul, as usual, i lent my cardigan to him. nice right i know.
Lesson learnt, always bring something to protect yourself.
Holiday lessons are killing me.
Seriously, physics was super boring, except for those parts where we used our hands to find force, magnetic field and current. trust me, this part's cool! Hahhaa.
Learnt ammonia for chem. msKang said it was easy. Oh maybe, but there's still some part, not sure. Naahmind, i got tuitionnnnnn! hahah.
Amaths was fun, i supposed. Integration, don't know why must learn also.
And MrsTan got angry with us today. actually not us, but someone slept in class, shall not mention. and she scolded th whole class? Erm, maybe cus she's pregnant la, forgive you:D ahhaha.
Redshirts camp was best!
Practically th sec4s do not have to do anything, must just laze around. cool y'know.
and at night, me hakim mai humaira lied down in th middle of th parade square, looked at th sky, and talked about everything. Yes its damn fun talking to them. Hakim told me about 7 wonders of th world, which obviously make me go WOW. Yes, he's and entertaining guy that can talk alot alot. hahahah, supposed to be sleeping, but me hakim kenneth ahmad syab mai humaira agnes huiping sat below th main stairs and chit chatted. Miss those times guys. Redshirts are like th best yo! Chatted till 430 before we headed to sleep @ th podium and woke up at 550. Enough sleep? No la. Had lessons th next morning from 10. so my eyes were like half closed during lessons. Went home and used th comp and slept.
oh, and congrats to th new badge of redshirts. although... but still, well done!
Guys, i'm so gna miss those times where all of us go tru th camp together and that was what made us friends. We're always th best badge no matter what, and let's make sure we'll hang out again if we have th time alright? And thankyou mrLee for developing me into a better person. All th things y'taught, i'll not forget and yes, we'll make you proud Lee! What you said was true, people not in redshirts tend to hate them, don't know why. Anyway~ Although you're leaving, your heart will always be with th redshirts, and you're really one nice teacher. All th best in your future, and make sure y'don't forget us alright!
Had shooting competition on tuesday.
Scoring for me was pathetic. But one good thing about th trip was that i get to meet PAMELA! hahaha, babe ah, miss you so much leh! and i'm kinda glad i got to see you after 197549579234574days. Getting pretty eh? haha, And i also know you very happy to see coral sec right! i know why! hahahha, okay bye, see you again, and ashiq too! HAHA.
I'll be having tuition later on so i guess its a good time to refresh on my physics chem and maths!
And as usual, date with neighbors at night.
Well thanks ganga, for not fetching me home from school.
Till then, so long~ suckas.
Oh, happy birthday Dong Rui and Louiis!
Th two mentioned above are great people, i swear!
HAHA. okay bye see you.
Long post, bet not all of you will read everything.
oh, and i redshirts, i likeeeee! (:
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Quote of th day: What is defeat? Nothing but education, nothing but first step to something better.
I'll be opening up a Livejournal soon.
Will be private i guess. so no pint asking me for th url.
Okay anyway, o level mt's tomorrow.
All th best people. Guess i'll not be updating for ht next few days.
Will be afk until further notice.
Till then, so long~ suckers.
i don't wna be at your beck and call. i'm a human too alright.
Oh, and stop being a hyprocrite, pretending to like her when you don't at all.
So what's th whole point? telling me you don't like her, and in the end, you're still tryna be her good friend and *** her everytime you see her.
Enough of these, i had enough. I don't wna feel as though i live for you and i have to be your dog.
Are you my god? So sorry but no. I didn't wna tell you anything, cus i was afraid you might be very hurt. what now, i kept my mouth shut and bottle it all in my heart.
This might be unhealthy, but who cares. At least i understand myself. okay bye.
I'll be opening up a Livejournal soon.
Will be private i guess. so no pint asking me for th url.
Okay anyway, o level mt's tomorrow.
All th best people. Guess i'll not be updating for ht next few days.
Will be afk until further notice.
Till then, so long~ suckers.
i don't wna be at your beck and call. i'm a human too alright.
Oh, and stop being a hyprocrite, pretending to like her when you don't at all.
So what's th whole point? telling me you don't like her, and in the end, you're still tryna be her good friend and *** her everytime you see her.
Enough of these, i had enough. I don't wna feel as though i live for you and i have to be your dog.
Are you my god? So sorry but no. I didn't wna tell you anything, cus i was afraid you might be very hurt. what now, i kept my mouth shut and bottle it all in my heart.
This might be unhealthy, but who cares. At least i understand myself. okay bye.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Quote of th day: No matter how far you have gone on a wrong road, turn back.
I've decided not to include th superteens days already.
lazy to calculate.(:
Got back my report book on thursday.
Okay maybe for me i don't i did very well, but i'm kinda happy i didn't fail any subjects this time round. and mr ong says i did a good job. HAHA.
Eng: 57.5 C5.
Mt: 65.0 B3
AMaths: 87.2 A1
EMaths: 83.5 A1
Chem: 57.1 C5
Phy: 61.6 B4
CombinedHumans: 56.3 C5
Total: 468.2/700
Percentage: 66.9
Class po: 4/40
Level po: 25/223
L1R4-14.... L1R5:19
Okay no comments please. Thankyou very much.
Anyway, had POP yesterday.
god i was so freakin' sad.
Firstly passing out without proper uniform, no baret to throw already makes me very sad.
and while waiting for POP, somehow something/ someone makes me sad too? don't ask, i won't say.
And next, our juniors put up a so-called performance for us, they walked around in circle around us, and sang songs which they composed themselves and they saluted us. might seem normal for you guys, but for me and squadmates, its sad man. tears rolled down my eyes,
thankyou juniors, although we're not so bonded, i'd still appreciate you guys for what you've done for us. so keep th spirit up high, and never let coral's NPCC fade away. love you guys alot.
After cca hung out with babe, hakim and izryan.
I swear we had a whole lot fun of time yo.
played heart attack, followed by some malay games which i so funneh!
and next wek took lots of pictures, and we took videos, and headed home. Hakim taught me and babe how to beatbox, but unfortunately, we can't. babe, i will learn beatboxing till i succeed. you too alright! hahahahhahaha!
Monday's o'level Mt.
oh well, i think i'll miss yuan lao shi, cus he's th best teacher i've met. right sihui? haha, yes he don't scold us, except for soemtimes he'll nag at me and sihui, but other than that, he's nice. he'll let us listen to songs when he felt that we needed a break, and yes, we needed alot of break, so he played many songs for us, some videos too. Thankyou Yuan lao shi, ni shi zui hao de lao shi.
i will get good grades for my Mt, A1, you're mine! hahah what only. B3's more realistic. Sihui, lets do him proud alright! haha.
gna head out to airport to study with th saturday people later, but hor, babe ah, i wna go expo for awhile can? my sister says there's a adidas sale, super cheap th things, can we go for awhile? pleaseeeeeee. hahhaha! okay loveyou bye!
i don't know if you're just pretending that you don't know you knocked my head during POP or what, but you're th one who hit my head HARD. and you can still ask qiyuan if you've hit him by accident. thanks ah.
i don't wna think of you anymore, this ain't going nowhere.
finally i agreed to let go, you can go with your whoever i don't care.
might seem emo but i'm not very sad, cus i'm th one who let go first.
not your fault i guess, cus there's a saying, its now or never.
i'm sorry i did, oh well. goodbye boy.
till we meet again.
I've decided not to include th superteens days already.
lazy to calculate.(:
Got back my report book on thursday.
Okay maybe for me i don't i did very well, but i'm kinda happy i didn't fail any subjects this time round. and mr ong says i did a good job. HAHA.
Eng: 57.5 C5.
Mt: 65.0 B3
AMaths: 87.2 A1
EMaths: 83.5 A1
Chem: 57.1 C5
Phy: 61.6 B4
CombinedHumans: 56.3 C5
Total: 468.2/700
Percentage: 66.9
Class po: 4/40
Level po: 25/223
L1R4-14.... L1R5:19
Okay no comments please. Thankyou very much.
Anyway, had POP yesterday.
god i was so freakin' sad.
Firstly passing out without proper uniform, no baret to throw already makes me very sad.
and while waiting for POP, somehow something/ someone makes me sad too? don't ask, i won't say.
And next, our juniors put up a so-called performance for us, they walked around in circle around us, and sang songs which they composed themselves and they saluted us. might seem normal for you guys, but for me and squadmates, its sad man. tears rolled down my eyes,
thankyou juniors, although we're not so bonded, i'd still appreciate you guys for what you've done for us. so keep th spirit up high, and never let coral's NPCC fade away. love you guys alot.
After cca hung out with babe, hakim and izryan.
I swear we had a whole lot fun of time yo.
played heart attack, followed by some malay games which i so funneh!
and next wek took lots of pictures, and we took videos, and headed home. Hakim taught me and babe how to beatbox, but unfortunately, we can't. babe, i will learn beatboxing till i succeed. you too alright! hahahahhahaha!
Monday's o'level Mt.
oh well, i think i'll miss yuan lao shi, cus he's th best teacher i've met. right sihui? haha, yes he don't scold us, except for soemtimes he'll nag at me and sihui, but other than that, he's nice. he'll let us listen to songs when he felt that we needed a break, and yes, we needed alot of break, so he played many songs for us, some videos too. Thankyou Yuan lao shi, ni shi zui hao de lao shi.
i will get good grades for my Mt, A1, you're mine! hahah what only. B3's more realistic. Sihui, lets do him proud alright! haha.
gna head out to airport to study with th saturday people later, but hor, babe ah, i wna go expo for awhile can? my sister says there's a adidas sale, super cheap th things, can we go for awhile? pleaseeeeeee. hahhaha! okay loveyou bye!
i don't know if you're just pretending that you don't know you knocked my head during POP or what, but you're th one who hit my head HARD. and you can still ask qiyuan if you've hit him by accident. thanks ah.
i don't wna think of you anymore, this ain't going nowhere.
finally i agreed to let go, you can go with your whoever i don't care.
might seem emo but i'm not very sad, cus i'm th one who let go first.
not your fault i guess, cus there's a saying, its now or never.
i'm sorry i did, oh well. goodbye boy.
till we meet again.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
59days since superteens workshop.
Quote of th day: Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Okay, I've gotten back my results. was kinda happy cus i didn't fail any subjects this time round. good right HAHA.
English P1: 16/30
English P2: 31/50
Amaths: 89/100
Emaths: 83/100
Mt: 60/100
Chemistry: 50/100
Physics: 70/120
Social studies: 29/50
Geography/ 29/50
For you guys you might think its not good enough, but for me, its a huge success cus i managed to pass both my sciences(: hahahahahahahha.
well anyway, hang out with JasmineCMH last Friday.
and i can say, i had loads of fun i swear!
We practically bitched about everything under th sun. even when some unknown people walked past us, we'll talk about them. okay hahahhahah! bitches sia.
yes yes yes, we shall hang out real soon again, next Friday!
hanging out with you was never a sad moment, i meant, we could talk non stop!
and you're really LUCKY i'ma girl, if not, i'll snatch you away! HAHAHA
anyway girl, i've got your back and you've got mine, so don't worry about anything cus i'll be here for you alright! yeh thanks alot! Love you to teh max.


4/9's chairman and vice chair.
Ahem ahem* (:
Next, th presents.

From babe. Thanks, loved it.

From bestfriend, th ferries wheel can turn one leh!

(click picture to see what was written)

(this one also)

From JoelynT. bikini siol. hahaha. Loveyou la!

(click to see what she wrote)

From Axiuwei, thanks sexy!

(click to see)

From Mr Quek. Thankyou!

From VivienT. Thanks Girl(:

(she called me sexy) hahahah.

Thanks girls for th bag!(: loved it.

Alright, got to go.
Shoppinggggggggg! hahahahha.
Jo, don't forget our date tomorrow!
Quote of th day: Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Okay, I've gotten back my results. was kinda happy cus i didn't fail any subjects this time round. good right HAHA.
English P1: 16/30
English P2: 31/50
Amaths: 89/100
Emaths: 83/100
Mt: 60/100
Chemistry: 50/100
Physics: 70/120
Social studies: 29/50
Geography/ 29/50
For you guys you might think its not good enough, but for me, its a huge success cus i managed to pass both my sciences(: hahahahahahahha.
well anyway, hang out with JasmineCMH last Friday.
and i can say, i had loads of fun i swear!
We practically bitched about everything under th sun. even when some unknown people walked past us, we'll talk about them. okay hahahhahah! bitches sia.
yes yes yes, we shall hang out real soon again, next Friday!
hanging out with you was never a sad moment, i meant, we could talk non stop!
and you're really LUCKY i'ma girl, if not, i'll snatch you away! HAHAHA
anyway girl, i've got your back and you've got mine, so don't worry about anything cus i'll be here for you alright! yeh thanks alot! Love you to teh max.


4/9's chairman and vice chair.
Ahem ahem* (:
Next, th presents.

From babe. Thanks, loved it.

From bestfriend, th ferries wheel can turn one leh!

(click picture to see what was written)

(this one also)

From JoelynT. bikini siol. hahaha. Loveyou la!

(click to see what she wrote)

From Axiuwei, thanks sexy!

(click to see)

From Mr Quek. Thankyou!

From VivienT. Thanks Girl(:

(she called me sexy) hahahah.

Thanks girls for th bag!(: loved it.

Alright, got to go.
Shoppinggggggggg! hahahahha.
Jo, don't forget our date tomorrow!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
56days since superteens workshop.
Quote of th day: Always look at what you have left, never look back at what you have lost.
Okay before i begin everything, i shall wish myself a very HappyBirthday.
yes happy bday me, me good, me best me whatever.
This year's celebration has certainly been the best one i've ever had, i meant. sweet sixteen are supposed to be special and sweet right. well i got those.
Thankyou Shihui.
Thankyou Lutfiyya
Thankyou Xinjie.
Thankyou Jasmine darling! jasmine is hot!
Thankyou Tiara
Thankyou Izyan
ThankyouJoelynT bitch, love you la! You're th best kay.
Thankyou Hazimama
Thankyou Victor bestfriend
Thankyou Ruban
Thankyou Jonathan
Thankyou Huanye
Thankyou Xiuwei bitch, love you manymany
Thankyou Dongrui, don't be sad alright.
Thankyou Peter pan, cool and nice
Thankyou Joshua.
Thankyou Lehua Chihuahua(:
Thankyou Bharkha
Thankyou Yvonne clever girl!
Thankyou Yenhuei who was the first to wish me, love you
Thankyou May!
Thankyou Sarah
Thankyou Dinesh
Thankyou Zhenqing
Thankyou Shofiyah
Thankyou Cherie
Thankyou Sihui! love you too!
Thankyou Serene
Thankyou Meiyin!
Thankyou Zuxian
Thankyou Rebecca my lab partner!
Thankyou FionaNg, shopping!
Thankyou Joey
Thankyou Michelle
Thankyou Wenting
Thankyou Atiqah
Thankyou Mdm nora!
Thankyou Qiyuan!
Thankyou Shamira darling, love you tonns, cheer up!
Thankyou Firdaus
Thankyou Fadly
Thankyou Hanis
Thankyou Tinesh
Thankyou AgnesLim
Thankyou Fenglin
Thankyou Yuanyun
Thankyou Yijie
Thankyou Syab!
Thankyou Yuting
Thankyou Weilin
Thankyou Deborah, although i don't know you, thanks!
Thankyou Douglas
Thankyou Hakim
Thankyou Izyran BF
Thankyou JabezKoh!
Thankyou Aunty rina
Thankyou Ganga
Thankyou Nicole
Thankyou Aishah bestfriend! love youu!
Thankyou Hanny honey!
Thankyou Poobalan
Thankyou Namirah!
Thankyou Mr quek for the card!
Thankyou Pamela! i also love youuuuu!
Thankyou AliciaSnggggg!
Thankyou VivienTan! love yaww.
Thankyou Yanyee Banana, love you!
Thankyou Humphery
Thankyou Cheryl, love you!
Thankyou Fatimah twinny.
Thankyou Mangpang!
Thankyou Ahmad fahmy!
Thankyou Jinfu!
Thankyou Ridwan!
Thankyou Danial
Thankyou Deborah's friend(: same birthday eh.
Thankyou Syafiqah
Thankyou Edwin
Thankyou Siti sarah(:
Thankyou Suaidah! same pri and sec school eh, not bad(:
Thankyou Alyssa! thankyou so much(:
Thankyou Ashwin! best buddies!
Thankyou Mmbz! Hotstuff:D
Thankyou Amirah Npcc junior!(:
Thankyou Reena!
Thankyou Terence
Thankyou Jeremy(: you're cute.
Thankyou Jiaying!
Thankyou Guy
And lastly, thankyou Fahmi(:
okay and i'm super sorry if i've forgotten your name here, bad memory.
Okay, so i got back my results already,
and YEH babeh, i didnt fail any subjects.
okay maybe this doesn't sound special to you guys,
but i've been failing my Chemistry and Physics,
and yeh this time round i managed to pass, which i think many failed..?
okay whatever, i;'m super happy.
Best birthday gift i guess,
oh and yes, my birthday wish....
is to have alot of birthday greetings from people.
hahahahhaa well, i think i'd rather have alot of wishes than presents?
yeh, but thanks to those who gave me th presents! Love you guys to teh maxa!
Okay i think i got to go now, meeting th 4/9 people at loyang point later to do something.
so well, got to go, thanks alot guys!
especially you, thankyou!
oh yeh, nc16, i'm coming for youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
don't be jealous people!
i'm th happiest girl today, thankyou verymuch!
Quote of th day: Always look at what you have left, never look back at what you have lost.
Okay before i begin everything, i shall wish myself a very HappyBirthday.
yes happy bday me, me good, me best me whatever.
This year's celebration has certainly been the best one i've ever had, i meant. sweet sixteen are supposed to be special and sweet right. well i got those.
Thankyou Shihui.
Thankyou Lutfiyya
Thankyou Xinjie.
Thankyou Jasmine darling! jasmine is hot!
Thankyou Tiara
Thankyou Izyan
ThankyouJoelynT bitch, love you la! You're th best kay.
Thankyou Hazimama
Thankyou Victor bestfriend
Thankyou Ruban
Thankyou Jonathan
Thankyou Huanye
Thankyou Xiuwei bitch, love you manymany
Thankyou Dongrui, don't be sad alright.
Thankyou Peter pan, cool and nice
Thankyou Joshua.
Thankyou Lehua Chihuahua(:
Thankyou Bharkha
Thankyou Yvonne clever girl!
Thankyou Yenhuei who was the first to wish me, love you
Thankyou May!
Thankyou Sarah
Thankyou Dinesh
Thankyou Zhenqing
Thankyou Shofiyah
Thankyou Cherie
Thankyou Sihui! love you too!
Thankyou Serene
Thankyou Meiyin!
Thankyou Zuxian
Thankyou Rebecca my lab partner!
Thankyou FionaNg, shopping!
Thankyou Joey
Thankyou Michelle
Thankyou Wenting
Thankyou Atiqah
Thankyou Mdm nora!
Thankyou Qiyuan!
Thankyou Shamira darling, love you tonns, cheer up!
Thankyou Firdaus
Thankyou Fadly
Thankyou Hanis
Thankyou Tinesh
Thankyou AgnesLim
Thankyou Fenglin
Thankyou Yuanyun
Thankyou Yijie
Thankyou Syab!
Thankyou Yuting
Thankyou Weilin
Thankyou Deborah, although i don't know you, thanks!
Thankyou Douglas
Thankyou Hakim
Thankyou Izyran BF
Thankyou JabezKoh!
Thankyou Aunty rina
Thankyou Ganga
Thankyou Nicole
Thankyou Aishah bestfriend! love youu!
Thankyou Hanny honey!
Thankyou Poobalan
Thankyou Namirah!
Thankyou Mr quek for the card!
Thankyou Pamela! i also love youuuuu!
Thankyou AliciaSnggggg!
Thankyou VivienTan! love yaww.
Thankyou Yanyee Banana, love you!
Thankyou Humphery
Thankyou Cheryl, love you!
Thankyou Fatimah twinny.
Thankyou Mangpang!
Thankyou Ahmad fahmy!
Thankyou Jinfu!
Thankyou Ridwan!
Thankyou Danial
Thankyou Deborah's friend(: same birthday eh.
Thankyou Syafiqah
Thankyou Edwin
Thankyou Siti sarah(:
Thankyou Suaidah! same pri and sec school eh, not bad(:
Thankyou Alyssa! thankyou so much(:
Thankyou Ashwin! best buddies!
Thankyou Mmbz! Hotstuff:D
Thankyou Amirah Npcc junior!(:
Thankyou Reena!
Thankyou Terence
Thankyou Jeremy(: you're cute.
Thankyou Jiaying!
Thankyou Guy
And lastly, thankyou Fahmi(:
okay and i'm super sorry if i've forgotten your name here, bad memory.
Okay, so i got back my results already,
and YEH babeh, i didnt fail any subjects.
okay maybe this doesn't sound special to you guys,
but i've been failing my Chemistry and Physics,
and yeh this time round i managed to pass, which i think many failed..?
okay whatever, i;'m super happy.
Best birthday gift i guess,
oh and yes, my birthday wish....
is to have alot of birthday greetings from people.
hahahahhaa well, i think i'd rather have alot of wishes than presents?
yeh, but thanks to those who gave me th presents! Love you guys to teh maxa!
Okay i think i got to go now, meeting th 4/9 people at loyang point later to do something.
so well, got to go, thanks alot guys!
especially you, thankyou!
oh yeh, nc16, i'm coming for youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
don't be jealous people!
i'm th happiest girl today, thankyou verymuch!
Monday, May 12, 2008
53days since superteens.
Quote of th day: You can't have a better day tomorrow if you're thinking about yesterday all the time.
Since it's marking day today, i shall not go to school( okay, i do not needa go school)
and i shall blog today, a good girl i know~
let me repeat again, Exams are over. Yayy yayy, isn't this great or what,
its over its over its over. even a dummy needa a break at times.
So, babe came over to my house and stay on friday.
its fun really, i meant, my neighbours are fun really i swear.
they're like th coolest people i've ever met. cooler than you, sucka.
right babe? agree? ahahhaha. and i've got loads of picture to upload.
and i have this cool cool neighbour, he's a freaking sprinter who can run long distance and he joins marathon like one freak, and he studies in sports school. cool i know thankyou. he's name is prakash. sorry girls, not yours. HAHA.
oh by the way, Happy birthday Prakash.

(blue shirt is prakash, red is his brother)

Saturday afternoon was spent going to parkway with sister and babe shopping for mother's day gift. and we bought mummy this really very cute small piano, where you turn th knob and th music will play, no batteries no nothing. really cool i swear.
Went home and quickly got some sleep, i was effing tired man.
headed out to grandma's place to have dinner with everyone.
and i got this cousin, he haven't pass his license and he got himself a bike. and th bike is really cool, red in colour! hahahha, how cool is that. oh, and i got home and watched this horror movie called GuaiWu. damn nice, although i was being a pussy screaming at some parts of th show. Damn nice. and th small lil boy i cute. HAHA.
mum wanted to get me a present yesterday, but we have to go hospital visit my cousin,
who broke his ligament while playing soccer, pity him. my cousin's clever fyi, he's in nus. th cleverest amongst all of us. okay and i found out one thing, in th wards of general hospital, there's no chairs at all. okay i mean there is, but just 1 or 2? for who to sit sia so little, so i having to stand from 4pm all th way till 9plus? hahah yeh, endure:D
below are some of th pictures taken long ago.

(lazy to resize:D)
okay, think i shall stop here, and i bet not everyone wil have th patience to read this whole long post. hahaha but still, okay bye.
oh and jiaqi, you really shouldn't.
till then, so long~ suckers.
( i think th quote is kinda true, constantly thinking about tomorrow won'r us anywhere, must well don't think about it and live on, happily.)
Quote of th day: You can't have a better day tomorrow if you're thinking about yesterday all the time.
Since it's marking day today, i shall not go to school( okay, i do not needa go school)
and i shall blog today, a good girl i know~
let me repeat again, Exams are over. Yayy yayy, isn't this great or what,
its over its over its over. even a dummy needa a break at times.
So, babe came over to my house and stay on friday.
its fun really, i meant, my neighbours are fun really i swear.
they're like th coolest people i've ever met. cooler than you, sucka.
right babe? agree? ahahhaha. and i've got loads of picture to upload.
and i have this cool cool neighbour, he's a freaking sprinter who can run long distance and he joins marathon like one freak, and he studies in sports school. cool i know thankyou. he's name is prakash. sorry girls, not yours. HAHA.
oh by the way, Happy birthday Prakash.

(blue shirt is prakash, red is his brother)

Saturday afternoon was spent going to parkway with sister and babe shopping for mother's day gift. and we bought mummy this really very cute small piano, where you turn th knob and th music will play, no batteries no nothing. really cool i swear.
Went home and quickly got some sleep, i was effing tired man.
headed out to grandma's place to have dinner with everyone.
and i got this cousin, he haven't pass his license and he got himself a bike. and th bike is really cool, red in colour! hahahha, how cool is that. oh, and i got home and watched this horror movie called GuaiWu. damn nice, although i was being a pussy screaming at some parts of th show. Damn nice. and th small lil boy i cute. HAHA.
mum wanted to get me a present yesterday, but we have to go hospital visit my cousin,
who broke his ligament while playing soccer, pity him. my cousin's clever fyi, he's in nus. th cleverest amongst all of us. okay and i found out one thing, in th wards of general hospital, there's no chairs at all. okay i mean there is, but just 1 or 2? for who to sit sia so little, so i having to stand from 4pm all th way till 9plus? hahah yeh, endure:D
below are some of th pictures taken long ago.

(lazy to resize:D)
okay, think i shall stop here, and i bet not everyone wil have th patience to read this whole long post. hahaha but still, okay bye.
oh and jiaqi, you really shouldn't.
till then, so long~ suckers.
( i think th quote is kinda true, constantly thinking about tomorrow won'r us anywhere, must well don't think about it and live on, happily.)
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