Friday, May 30, 2008

Quote of th day: Failure is never final and success is never ending.

Caught Narnia with BitchJ and Jabez yesterday.
Okay that movie is nice, beginning was kinda boring, cus war haven't start yet.
But th rest of th movie was interesting.
FOR NARNIAAAAAAAAAAAA. (Bet xiuwei's irritated) HAHA.
And those 2 clever human, didn't bring jacket at all.
Practically BitchJ was lazy to bring i guess, and th other, don't know why.
So being a kind soul, as usual, i lent my cardigan to him. nice right i know.
Lesson learnt, always bring something to protect yourself.

Holiday lessons are killing me.
Seriously, physics was super boring, except for those parts where we used our hands to find force, magnetic field and current. trust me, this part's cool! Hahhaa.
Learnt ammonia for chem. msKang said it was easy. Oh maybe, but there's still some part, not sure. Naahmind, i got tuitionnnnnn! hahah.
Amaths was fun, i supposed. Integration, don't know why must learn also.
And MrsTan got angry with us today. actually not us, but someone slept in class, shall not mention. and she scolded th whole class? Erm, maybe cus she's pregnant la, forgive you:D ahhaha.

Redshirts camp was best!
Practically th sec4s do not have to do anything, must just laze around. cool y'know.
and at night, me hakim mai humaira lied down in th middle of th parade square, looked at th sky, and talked about everything. Yes its damn fun talking to them. Hakim told me about 7 wonders of th world, which obviously make me go WOW. Yes, he's and entertaining guy that can talk alot alot. hahahah, supposed to be sleeping, but me hakim kenneth ahmad syab mai humaira agnes huiping sat below th main stairs and chit chatted. Miss those times guys. Redshirts are like th best yo! Chatted till 430 before we headed to sleep @ th podium and woke up at 550. Enough sleep? No la. Had lessons th next morning from 10. so my eyes were like half closed during lessons. Went home and used th comp and slept.
oh, and congrats to th new badge of redshirts. although... but still, well done!

Guys, i'm so gna miss those times where all of us go tru th camp together and that was what made us friends. We're always th best badge no matter what, and let's make sure we'll hang out again if we have th time alright? And thankyou mrLee for developing me into a better person. All th things y'taught, i'll not forget and yes, we'll make you proud Lee! What you said was true, people not in redshirts tend to hate them, don't know why. Anyway~ Although you're leaving, your heart will always be with th redshirts, and you're really one nice teacher. All th best in your future, and make sure y'don't forget us alright!

Had shooting competition on tuesday.
Scoring for me was pathetic. But one good thing about th trip was that i get to meet PAMELA! hahaha, babe ah, miss you so much leh! and i'm kinda glad i got to see you after 197549579234574days. Getting pretty eh? haha, And i also know you very happy to see coral sec right! i know why! hahahha, okay bye, see you again, and ashiq too! HAHA.

I'll be having tuition later on so i guess its a good time to refresh on my physics chem and maths!
And as usual, date with neighbors at night.
Well thanks ganga, for not fetching me home from school.

Till then, so long~ suckas.
Oh, happy birthday Dong Rui and Louiis!
Th two mentioned above are great people, i swear!
HAHA. okay bye see you.
Long post, bet not all of you will read everything.

oh, and i redshirts, i likeeeee! (: