Yesterday was th BOMBSXZ.
headed to airport with Jasmine, Dong rui, Victor and Peter.
Guess what, it was kinda productive for us in th beginning, but come towards th end, we gossiped.
Hahhaha guess what people, i think Victor gossips more than we girls do! He's th King of all y'man.
Studying trip was fun with them, seriously. But Vic had tuition and left @ 345, leaving th rest of us behind.
But when Vic left, th four of us were like super awkward, we asked th guys where they wna go, and they were like anywhere, anything/
But in th end th 4 of us went to T3 and talked/gossip/bitch.
HAHAHA, yes, it was damn super fun! Dong was fun, Peter was fun too la.
and joke of th day
(so we wen to T2 mac's to study)
Me: victor you don't wna eat ah?
V: no la, cus just now in between english and physics break me and huan ye went to ws and ate macs already.
V(continues): wa then we from school to mac and back to school only ten minutes leh! we walk and eat at th same time. so i not eating, not hungry.
Dong(th blur one, speaks with china accent):so victor, are you eating anything i help you buy?
V: let me think, help me buy 9 mc nuggets.
WHAT THE.. first say don't wna eat, then next minute ask dong help you buy 9mc nuggets, victor ah, you really can joke man. (but he claims that those nuggets were his snacks as he study)
hahah whateverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Told ya victor is funneh.
So guys ain't that boring la? hahaa okay my mistakes.
oh by the way when victor left, th 4 of us shared alot of secrets, only we know la haha. too bad vic, ask you postpone tuition you don't wna. HAHA, your loss, your loss.
Well anyway, Happy birthday Zuhir(:
15 already huh, not bad not bad. its your day, enjoy it.
okay shhhhhhhhh,
Many unexpected but fun people msged me for th past few days, hahaha.
thanks for entertaining guys!
Will be heading to study with th saturday people later, see you guys.
oh btw jo, its alright to make harsh decisions yeh.
just think twice bofre you make a choice, hope this one isn't gna make you regret la, but no matter what choice you make in the end, i'll still accept and respect it, who ask you to be my bitch, no choice. haha.
oh and Pamela ah, we shall head out one day too alright, miss you la man!
(♥ PWL)
:D till then, so long~ suckers.
I could be the one to turn you out
We could be the talk across the town
Don't judge me by the color, confuse it for another
You might regret what you let slip away