Seemed to me that i haven't been using th comp for long, but only two days, chey. thought what.
Went study with Saturday people on Friday @ bedok mac's.
As usual,, starting starting can always concentrate, but somehow we got distracted by some super WNA ACT MATURE BUT STILL SEC@ GIRLS, talking so loudly like some bimbos about some story in th books. Omy goddness, get a life girls. Oh, but SW to th rescue, he made that 'HAIYAH,(followed by irritated look') to th girls, and they kept quiet for a moment. Just as we thought they can shutup for th rest of th time, they started talking LOUDLY again. i know it's mac's and they have free speech to talk, but they were studying too! aiyah if you guys were there confirm also will irritated one i tell you. and finally after moons and years, they left. *celebrates.
Weekends have been fun for me, especially today.
Went Eastpoint with mum, collected phone, went popular and ntuc.
Sounds boring for y'guys i know. But Ntuc with mum was when, shopped for salad stuffs:D
haha, healthy right!
Yes home for salad making session and it was super funnnnnnnnn i tell you.
i squeezed one whole lemon juice, thinking that mum won't use all of it, but still.
after all th vegetables and tomatoes and chicken and ham and cucumber and corns were done, mum poured all th lemon juice as toppings! ahhahaa, imagine how sour it'd be, but i like sour stuffs!:D
When mum tasted, she gave that 'you know how you look when sour things gets into your mouth' look. Omg, should taken a picture man. Mum's cute, thats why i also cute. HAHA, shutup la. Salad we made was nice, next time i make for you guys okay?
Oh, and i just realized that my phone's snake game is really fun! not that kinda old fashioned snake game la, but this one's really cool! and i'm so addicted to it. Next time let you all play uh.
Supposed to be studying now, but told mum I'll have a short 15minutes break. hardworking right i know la.
oh, Mmbz, get well soon yo, kinda shocked you were using support to walk, see you soon, and you should be th one asking me out la! haha.
Heading back to study people, till then, so long~ suckas :P
My neighbors are cool, i swear!
(before i go, pics uploaded)

(i swear i wna forget you, get off my mind, asshole)