Both lessons( ss and physics) were canceled cus mdm yuslina was down with food poisoning and Mr Ong is just simply lazy t teach. So yeh, Ruban called and asked whether i wna go swim at his apache house, and of course i agreed la! hahah cus can sun tan right sihui. So me jo and sihui went to his apache house, kay his grandma remembers me! And some more she remembered that i wna become policewoman. HAHA, yes his grandma is looks old, but is very young at th heart. haha.
So me and sihui swam, while POOR joelyn who didn't know that we'll be swimming sat at a corner, aww thats sad uh haha. Ruban la, never tell her we'll be swimming. Gong la dey. So yeh, we had a fun time at th pool, although it was only me and Sihui, but Hakim and guys came and joined us @ 1plus. And yes people, i got tanned! ahhahahahaha, finally after so longggggggggggggggggggggg man. Be jealous people, haha okay shh.
Overall it was fun, didn't take any pictures with my phone cus i was swimming, duh. pictures up @ joelyn's blog. go see go see. And Jo ah, i not stupid okay! what stupid what stupid! you then stupid ah, stupid stupid stupid! (:
Might be going Sentosa on Friday with th people, once again,be jealous!
hahaha. Jo, it's bikini timeeeeeeeeee! :D
Oh, before i go, pictures uploaded, didn't managed to upload all yesterday.

(view from my house, try to spot th airport, it's really cool haha)

haha babe looks sooooooooooooo, FREAKEHHHHHH!
okay la still love you la haha.