I'm currently feeling very sick now, idk since when my flu arrived and now i;m having slight sore throat.
And and, my whole family's sick.
Actually i was th healthiest amongst them, cus i am perfectly fine. then came this morning, flu came. probably someone passed on to me, what siol la dey. i hate this feeling, where you'll be sneezing like some crazy fella in th hot sun. siao or what.
Today's th second day of school, and seriously, i am already feeling tired.
First period was amaths, and i'm feeling sleepy already, but luckily Jo was siting beside me, so at least i have someone to talk to, haha.
Yayy people, i'ma having PE tml, be jealous:D haha.
Anyway, had redshirts meeting ytd, and Mr David told th redshirts to try to go for th arts fest thing, cus it'd be th last time for all of us to gather together and have fun, so yeh.
I'm currently waiting for syab's reply whether she wna go for that thing, and will see if i wna go too,
but th thing is, just in case if we go, we have to wear something red, (red, redshirts y'know) so yeh, red dress maybe? Sundress maybe? HAHA.
(thanks redshirts, love you so much and everything's gone red)
but somehow i don't feel like going for th concert, don't ask me why. i'm just.. not excited for it?
So yeh, maybe I'll just go for th redshirts dinner after th concert, haha:D
Speaking about dresses, i realized my closet haven't been updated for quite long,
i wna get dresses, and sleeveless tops.
I'm like currently into sleeveless tops these days. Even at home, I'll fold my sleeve, don't know for what also la, just like it.
Oh, i'm beginning to like Chemistry now, and what's better than sitting beside th chem freak during lab sessions( Lehua chihuahua) and yeh, I MISS MY PREVIOUS PARTNER, REBECCA!
Girl looks like we can't sit behind together and talk anymore, naahmind, O'levels more important. MISS YOU LA, Bitch. :O
O's are nearing, its like.. 119days to th official exams?
But i have this bad feeling i won't be able to enter a jc, or say, a good jc, because my mid-year L1R5 isn't up to expectations at all. Seriously, 19pts, where can you go? might as well go poly right. Stupid 19pts, at least minus th '1' infront la, HAHA dumb.
So i guess i'll be studying real hard,
and this would mean less time to hang out with babe,
less time for neighbors,
less time for friends,
less time for computer,
less time for hand phones,
less time for resting,
and less time for whatever you can think of,
at least i don't talk on phones( okay i don't like to talk on phones, that's it)
But.. but but but.
Wouldn't my brain burst? Later all th juices come out, so much for studying then everything gone, just like THIS.
haha joke ah ruban, laugh ruban, LAUGH.
Anyway, i miss babe.
But i'm glad th bangkok trip's not cancelled,
and YAYY, we can sit aeroplane together! Singapore airlines some more, not bad right haha.
Okay babe let's hang out on fri, yes no?

( Yknow what i'm gna say, you don't like also cannot do anything, i like can already~)
Oh btw, i'ma not a bimbo kay thankyou very much! :D hahah some stupid losers kept calling me bimbo, I'm not lor! *rolls eyes at th person.
Alright, till then, so long~ suckers.