Kinda rare that i'll still be using comp at this time. But still, not asleep today yo.
Went studying with th coolest people today @ airport(as usual) Well yeh, i finished my physics paper and th exercises! Not bad right. HAHA. And will be completing all my maths work by tomorrow with th girls @ Ehub.
Oh, anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY POOBALANA:D haha, sometimes i wonder, why guy don't like to be called boys. Funneh. Yeh guy, seventeen already ah not bad. Let's go out some day with th rest yaw, *hinthint. HAHA. Girls, he's a nice guy. But too bad, he's taken by meeeeeeeee! HAHA crazy.
And happy belated birthday Thanes(: Its been great knowing you tru trip to thailand! and i really miss thailand alot! really really la, we shall go there agin some day kay? Although you're in malaysia, we can still meet up with each other's family and go overseas together with Don's family too! miss yaw siol:D

Will not be having much of lessons next week, but will be going out study and rollerblading with Hump on wed, that's if y'know who. Kay bye.
To all poly students having exams, all th best and good luck yo! Esp my sister, don't last minute laaaaaaaaaa, evrytime sleep so late. My heart pain y'know! HAHA, all th best sis, think of my and nothing will go wrong. TEEHEEEEEEE.
Overdues pictures, kop from AXW's blog.

She better hold him tight, give him more than love.