Prelims have started, and guess what.
Screw my SS.
ALL TH TOPICS I STUDIED, NON CAME OUT. THOSE THAT I DIDN'T STUDY CAME OUT. SIIIIAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I studied Sri Lanka, didnt come out. Never study NI, then come out. Bonding spore all i studied, ALL didn't come out. Healthcare came out and i had no idea what's that. Screw ss, i only have geog to help me. BUT.. luckily. I managed to write alot for my geog. Told'ya i'll be a geographer in th future:D
So righ now i'm aiming to score well for my geog, and hope that i will at least pass SS.
And one more thing, i don't like to sit near th front during my prelims! Damn la i prefer sitting at th back. Somemore infront so cold.
Had Geog and Mt today. geog was manageable as i've said, and mt paper one was cold.
Th paper was 2hour, but i finish within 50mins and gosh, i had nothing to do. Typical school students will sleep, so i did. And it was like damn cold la! Ah my god.
Anyway Jiaqi stayed over at my house yesterday, actually we were only planning to study till late then she go home, but that girl scared Blanga rape her, os i asked her to stay over for th night. AND HELL YEH, she did. So practically she's in love with my neighbours cus all of us studied together yesterday night at th lounge till 1.
My neighbours are cool yoyoyo!
Anyway i realised there's a malay guy in coral who's kinda hawt. Go AWW, totally~
Some of you might know who already, not bad right!
Okay, was surfing th net, looking for bikinis, and i came across these, nice right! Esp th design. EEEEEEEEEEEEEE i like!

I was hoping to get sth like this in th future, perhaps after my o's. Like seriously.
Okay till then, see you. Tata:D