(I miss this pretty bimbo)
Hi i'm back after not blogging for few days:D
Before i begin, I MIGHT BE ABLE TO GO FOR OBS!
Woooooo, finally th day i've been waiting for. Thankyou Mr David, don't dash my high hopes.
Anyway, i love my class alot, Alot as in ALOTTTTTTTTTTTTT. Heck you if you say that yours is cooler, neeehhhhhhhh.
Our's very cool, had 2free periods of ss yesterday and apparently we had photo taking. Damn cool sia th positions. We took it at th podium. Wanted to stand at th top, but th photograher out my on th ground, luckily i didn't sit down. If not i look so short siolllllllllllllll.
Gathered with all my neighbours yesterday below our neighbourhood, and guess what. We played our CG invented game, Roundus. Bet not all of you know what game is this. Its like baseball, but instead of using bat and small ball, we use leg and big soccer ball. Damn fun i tell you! Let me repeat, FUN is the word. Yeh, i love my neighbours. Kinda sad cus most of us are leaving end of this year.
Back to school.
Well, lessons this week's cool, esp maths.
Mr kang's one real nice teacher who doesn't get angry easily, or say. Doesn't get angry at all.
Also, he's very very funny! Didn't know he could be so Lame sia. Ask sihui and you'll know what happened. :D
Stayed back for final sprint with TSH & AXW. and Mr kang joined us. He very funny, as usual, and we talked about alot of stuffs, OBS, sec school life, jc life, kayaking. Fun right i know!
After that went makan with Sammy and as usual, we bitched like hardcore, joked alot and laughed like hard siol. So Sammy saw this guy when we were queuing for bus, and she think he's hot. LIKE NO...? Escuse me ah Sammy, not handsome laaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Skinny and not so attractive. hahah sorry! SU better! Haha right joelyn!
And DJo ah, i not irritated lor:D Used to it, i very easy one, used to it can already!:D
Gna head out to study with th people tml, hope its condusive.
(btw i didn't do well for my prelims, no not good at all. Never fail any subj, but nehh, not good. Will inform y'guys again)
So till then, so long~Suckas.