Lessons today were boringgggggggggggggggggg, expect for mt.
Yeh, i'm beginning to like mt ever since prelims started.
Perhaps its cus i miss Yuan lao shi.
Almost half of th class didnt come today, esp my row.
Damn pathietic i tell you.
23more days to our o's.
Today's th last day for nA students.
Next week's their prelims.
And th next is our graduation day.
Damn i hate graduation days, we have fun, we play and we cry.
Everything's coming to an end soon.
Friends part, friends find new friends, make new life in new school.
Less contacting with each other, I don't want this to happen.
I'll miss my wonderful clique th most, not forgetting th saturday people, npcc mates, redshirts, teachers, and obviously, you.
Its kinda sad for me to still think of you, seriously idk why.
Call me stupid call me dumb call me whutever.
I'm already trying my best to not think about you, already trying so hard to move on with life.
Guess you're th reason why i'm still stopping at this egde.
You're hard, but soft. aye whutever la.
Some pictures taken with my wonderful(s) people.

I predict. I wont be using comp next week.
Till then, so long~ suckas.
( mind buying bikini for me anyone?)