Thought about th school days after reading sihui's blog.
I miss th good old days where all of us were studying very hard for th final sprint. At that time, all of us were still listening to the teachers teach in class. Sitting with Joelyn right at the back of the class, always arguing about maths during lessons and taking pictures whenever we're bored.
I miss my lab partner Rebecca and we'd always be complaining about each other when we don't mean it and also during experiments, sometimes we screw up but who cares. Fiona would join us often to gossip and nag about each other. And the 3 would always talkkkkkk when there's any lab sessions. Who cares anyway.
I miss mt lessons with sihui syab alicia and renee, the 5 of us just can't seem to stop talking and laughing about yuan lao shi's bottle. Those songs coming out from yuan lao shi's laptop, all chinese but wow, he's quite up to date know!
I miss recess! Recess times were th best part of school life cus we do not need to teachers talk. Canteen food, i wonder if there're any changes.
I miss those stupid but fun times where everyone fell in love with th rubix cube(except for sihui), and hazim would teach us how to solve it. Challenging who would solve it first was crazy, but at least most of us know how to solve that cube now!
Ya and if i go on nagging i bet most of you would just scan tru and not read right. I do that usually, HAHA.
Ya but main point, I miss school, I really do. I miss my class, 4/9. Forgotten whut's our class motto. Sth like leaders of today, inspirers of tomorrow, learners forever.
I'd never forget my class la, esp those funny crazy stupid moments, and dong rui's vulgarities. HAHA.
And th best joke : What should you do if th parachutist's parachute fails to open up?
Usually th answer would be spread your hands apart or at th very least, use th emergency parachute. It's a physics question. But guess whut Dong rui wrote? Pray. HAHAHA I still remember he was absent on that day when the whole class were laughing at his answer. Funny guy. Haha omg.
I hope in my new school, be it jc or poly, i would meet friends like those in 4/9 too. Imagine how good it'd be if th whole 4/9 gets into th same school, or better still, same class. Ya as if but still...
Shopped for CNY clothes yesterday but bought nothing in th end. Surprisingly my mum bought a dress for some wedding and a skirt for CNY. Wanted to head to bugis alone today but.. didn't go in th end. Anyway i've already planned whut to wear for CNY, all i have to do now is to find th perfect piece and tada, I'm all set for CNY. Are you guys excited like me?
As usual, before i go, lemme show you guys...

Till then, so long~ suckas.