Just chatted on th phone with humphery on Monday. Talked about our Taiwan trip and his HK trip and Primary sch and blaa, makes me miss Taiwan onlyyyyyy. He's a fun guy to chat with, whut's more we're friends since prmary school, of course have things to talk about. I MISS TAIWAN. Ya.
I led a sad life on monday. Haha okay not exactly sad but.. lonely. Guess whut, i actually shopping ALONE at Bugis street. Actually I'm quite clever too la, going shopping during school days so i won't have alot of ahlian ahbengs squeezing into bugis street. Most of them back to school, good right. And ya, so i bought most of my new year clothes, a boyfriend tee and jumpersuit. Finally got whut i wanted! Fwawa but I'm still looking around for a dress:D
And guess whut, i spent my most of my weekly allowance on monday.
So now I've to control my hands when it comes to buying stuffs.
And another bad thing on monday. I had a very very very bad dream. I dreamt that I got 45points for my L1R5. And guess whut, I dreamt that DJo got 6points for her freakin' L1R5. Told you it's just a dream. HAHA opps i didn't say anything. So I just smiled at her(in my dreams) and congratulated her for being the top student and she consoled me and wanted to go poly with me. AWW isn't that sweetttttttttttttttttt. HAHA dream it is.
Met up with Babe Hakim Rid and Izryan yesterday. Wanted to go into school but th guards didn't allow. They said we were n slippers and they didn't want us to spoil th school image and go on and on with lots of reasons. But th thing was, Sammy and syab and other netballers were able to go in with slippers too. Fair rightttttttttttt. So in th end met them outside school, headed to Downtown to eat( no entering ws rule still holds, HAHA). Talked and laughed as usual, headed home after that.
Dad left for Macau just today morning. And y'know whut, he just top-up my pocket money. Muahahaha but i ain't gna spent it cus.. I feel guilty enough la.
I shall not use teh laptop today anymore. Mum said our house bill's too high. All thanks to who? My very lovely sister and very handsome daddy. Okay me also la, partly.
And i feel like putting -.- in many parts of th post but it's just so not me. I'm not twit or whuteverrrr. HorZZZ. HAHA.
Well till then, so long~ suckas.

I miss this girl pretty muchhhh...