Studied with th srjcians yesterday, it felt great meeting them after soooooooooo long. Studying was quite effective, EXCEPT for th hotMJguy part. Stupid DJo mesmerised by him. Joelyn Joelyn I know his name! Starts with J too! Ends with N. HAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHAH I swear.
Then Jiaqi came along, stupid woman bully tpjcian only. CHEH!
So then, some stupid bimbo used my phone and msged random guys from my contacts, kns.
PAYBACK TIME. Me and Jiaqi managed to take Jo's phone and smsed------.
HA who's th winner now.
Anyway th 3of us just got to learn about a new word, FTW.
Initially we thought it was some weird vulgarity, like th reverse of WTF. But no, it's For The Win.
Totally speechless................................. Fire That Word. K lame.
All in all, I love yesterday, let's have moreeeeeeeeeeeeeee of it whoooooooooooooo.
I've got my plans for today:
Study econs, break, break, break, study chem, break, break, break, study math, break, break, break. Sounds great, no?
Bye I'm off to save my farmtown.
(POHLING TO TH RESCUE..................)
Sounds farmiliar? ZZZZZzzzzz.