Image credit: Google Images.
Rightttttt, PW has taught me to SI. zzz.
Mum tried asking me out to follow her to some travel agency but was obstinate.
Well so I stayed home on a Sunday, how sad.
I tried searching for glamorous pictures, and th picture above totally melted me.
AWW how I wished I was sitting by th pool with amb..... Haha so loserish.

Back then when high socks were th 'in' thing...

Back then when my bitch still had her xiaomeimei hair.

Back then when we were only old enough to experiment with gases.. seriously, ...

Back then when it's NPCC instead of Odac with my all time fav. ...

Don't SHE look like a pig, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA a big L to you DJo.
I miss coral life @ 4th level, okay bye.