Recently, I've had dreams about getting my A level results. TWICE in a week.
I first dreamt about getting BBC grades for my H2s, and holyyyyyyyyy cow! C was actually for my Math. I didn't tell anyone about this Math part cus I kinda freaked myself out. Too scary to say out loud. But yeaaaaaaaa, like whut Sihui said, I'm gonna pray t whutever Gods there are and hope for the good.
Pretty much reminds me of DongRui and th old sec sch times. HAHAzzz.
And th second time ( a few days later) I dreamt of receiving my results from SAMMYBITCHYSHIT. She handed my th result slip and screwed me for not telling her how GOOOOOOOOOOD my results were.
So yea, basically I got straight As, like AAA/A. HAHAHHAHA yea bitches, it's just a dream.
Right now I'm already freakin myself out, imagining how tense th mood will be in th hall on th actual day itself.
Whut th shit right I know. I shouldn't be thinking of no-life matters like this, but it just came to mind. Like. That.
Ah, K. Maybe Xiuwei's right. I shouldn't be too optimistic about my results. I've always been optimistic and lookin' on th brighter side of life. But for this once, I'm not.
Like whut I told Sihui, I'm not confident this time around.
Maybe things are gonna end in an unwanted manner. Maybe th world isn't kind all th time.
So I'll just keep my hopes down for this once. And pray that I get whut I deserved.
Good luck guys \m/

Something good for th eye. ^#^
I first dreamt about getting BBC grades for my H2s, and holyyyyyyyyy cow! C was actually for my Math. I didn't tell anyone about this Math part cus I kinda freaked myself out. Too scary to say out loud. But yeaaaaaaaa, like whut Sihui said, I'm gonna pray t whutever Gods there are and hope for the good.
Pretty much reminds me of DongRui and th old sec sch times. HAHAzzz.
And th second time ( a few days later) I dreamt of receiving my results from SAMMYBITCHYSHIT. She handed my th result slip and screwed me for not telling her how GOOOOOOOOOOD my results were.
So yea, basically I got straight As, like AAA/A. HAHAHHAHA yea bitches, it's just a dream.
Right now I'm already freakin myself out, imagining how tense th mood will be in th hall on th actual day itself.
Whut th shit right I know. I shouldn't be thinking of no-life matters like this, but it just came to mind. Like. That.
Ah, K. Maybe Xiuwei's right. I shouldn't be too optimistic about my results. I've always been optimistic and lookin' on th brighter side of life. But for this once, I'm not.
Like whut I told Sihui, I'm not confident this time around.
Maybe things are gonna end in an unwanted manner. Maybe th world isn't kind all th time.
So I'll just keep my hopes down for this once. And pray that I get whut I deserved.
Good luck guys \m/

Something good for th eye. ^#^