I'MA SUPER TEEN!yesyesyes, th workshop is over.
for some people, you dont like th course and you're glad its its finally over, thats cus you guys, exist. but for me, i'm sad its over. cus i live, with a purpose.
true enough like what my sister said, i'll learn alot of skills there.
and yes, have you guys ever wondered who is th most important person in your life?
your parents? your siblings? your bf/gf? teachers? principal? NO.
th most impt person in your life is YOURSELF.
go look into th mirror, there's a soul in you.
at times you're feeling down, its with you. at times you're feeling sad, its with you. at times you're sick, its also with you. it never left you, not even for a second.
upon hearing this, i broke down.
our lecturer Peter asked us, hw have you treated this person all these while? have you treated it nicely? or, do you even know it existed?
some people might think i'm crazy. whatever you think, i'm not being emo or saddist, i'm just speaking what i feel. and also, how have you treated your parents? feel guilty? bet some of you don't. so guys out there, treasure what you have. dont take things for granted.
on a happier note, i've also laernt many more things in this workshop.
how to sleep well, how to study smmart, and also how to memorise things better.
if you go tru this workshop, you'll certainly love it. not only th workshop, but also th lecturers.
yes. KEN is hot i know, and we celebrated his birthday(which was yesterday) and i think it's super meaningful, birthday with th corallites. itsnt that great or what.
on th last day of workshop, dad mum and sister turned up.
yeh, i wna them to turn up. for once, i really wna them to come and see me.
i never told them, how much i loved them and how much they meant to me.
thank you dad and mum, for giving birth to me. out of 20millions sperm, only one managed to fertilize th egg. and th egg grew into me. what does this shows? this shows that out of th 20million sperms produced, only one succeeded. and
i'm champion. i'm a winner. i'm a victor.and yesterday, i finally hugged them like awwww and its th feeling you can't describe. also, i hugged mdm nora and mrs selina. thankyou teachers for being there for us, and thankyou for tolerating us in class. to all th people out there who knows me and whom i know, you guys mean alot. and you sure know i love you, dont i?
well, lots of quotes said from Ernest, Ken and Peter.
-It's not about how good you are, but how good you wna be
-The greatest failure in life is Not Participating
-Actions have consequences
-Change your thoughts and you change your life.
-Success is a day to day progressive realization of pre-planned, personal and worthwhile Goals.
this 3 great human has ceraanily inspired me alot over th last 3days.
too much that i can't describe it. 3days seemed to little for such a big change in me, but, i felt this is th point where my life begins all again.
i told myself, i wna be a good student, a good daughter, a good sister and a good wife.
crazy you might think again, SO WHAT. i have a goal, and i'll work towards it.
thank you for telling me th meaning of life, and th importance of self-esteem.
i cried so much, and Xiuwei says i cried most.
Ernest talked about his life, his dad, his mum. and its really touching.
for a moment, i cried as thou tears were free.
but really a big thankyou to th 3superheros. you're BEST.