Quote of th day: When a person can no longer laugh at himself, it is time for others to laugh at him. -Thomas SzaszHi all. I've decided to blog now, because its almost the weekends, and I've just finished my tuition.
Went studying with Pamy babe and MrSiow today. We really studied kay!
And i sorta miss her pretty much cus its been long since we've met up. Pamy lovely, we shall meet up again kay? To watch movies or sth else. :D
This week had been great for me, studied th subject I'm weakest in; Physics.
Mr siow has been telling me not to give up in physics no matter what. Thanks ah:D
Caught DeathRace with darling yeaterday.
So practically me and DJo had nothing to do from 3plus all th way to 640. Imagine how bored were we! So we did stuffs together while waiting for th movie to start.
And yes, th movie was interesting! Seriously, I'll recommend all of you guys to watch that movie.
While th guy is hot, th women are like... Sizzling hot seriously! Damn big sia theirs! HAHA.
But other than that, th plot, th setting and all, very nice. Go watch go watch.
Went CS with family after that, sister wna make contacts. Yeh, so i was wondering too, whether i should make contacts for myself too. Like just in case and all kinda thing. So yeh, will see how cus th appointment's tml.
Oh, anyway i've found a new friend, her name is sammy.
Actually her name is not sammy, but she thinks its cool. HAHA.
Hi sammy!
Met up with sammy on wed, makan @ hongkong cafe. Food was power, as usual.
had heartfelt talk and all.
So we went in this shop in TM that sells bags for tracking and all.
And it turns out, both of us're going to Taiwan end of year, but th thing is.. Sammy's going on 7-12 of dec, mine's on 13-20 of dec. DAMN SUAY SIAAAAAAAZZZ. But nevermind, at least we're happy:D
I think sammy love me alot, and me too pretty much.
My mind was all set to going jc, and then she came and tell me poly very good... this that this
that. And now, i'm having second thoughts. HOW LA SIA?
I shall stay at home tomorrow, its been very long since i stay at home on saturdays.
Kinda miss my saturday sleeps and stay home saturdays. HAHA.

( I miss this girl alotD: AGNES!)

(super binbotic pose with Sammy)
Mr fab guy, please don't. Cus i don't. Sorry.