Heyyooooooooo I'm back to bvlog, yepyep.
School's lessons have officially started, which means timetables are all up and more or less finalized. And yesssssssss, my timetable's damn packed. Except for cca days which are wed and fri, all my lessons end at 5! Early or whuttttttt. Lectures bores me, at least tutorials can move and interact more. Trust me you wouldn't like lectures, sitting in th audi for 1.5hours listening to th lecturer talk. Super cmi.
Went out alone to study at Airport on saturday at first. But somehow sammy came and find me so yeh, met her, did maths gp and physics.
ANYWAY about th orientation camp, yep it was quite fun. Somehow bonded with my class already and yes, there're jokers in my class, which means that tutorials will not be as boring.
Actually there's nothing much to say about th camp la, more or less fun, especially fright night and soul night. POWERFULLLLLLLLLLLL.
Having road run on wednesday, 3km. CAN DIE SIALZZZ. But it's okay, wed will be over soon and friday will arrive. YAYY YAYY ODAC CAMP. Super looking forward to it:D
Homework time, bye!(: