The Awesome Diadora.
Heyyooooooo. Just came back from odac camp yesterday and all i could say was AWESOME.
Just as i expected, it was much more fun than orientation camp!
Just as i expected, it was much more fun than orientation camp!
Night walk alone was a blast, we walked individually around th school to different stations.
And even though it's already 2plus in th night, we were still energetic enough th play ice breaker games and all.
Bathed in th dark cus stadium lights were off.
Slept around 3 and woke up 630, cool or whut.
Also, wet games were very creative, few of them i didn't play before.
And lastly, my group made th whole camp even more enjoyable and fun.
Lets go Diadora Lets go WO WO. Haha.
Reached home around 5plus, unpack, bathed and slept all th way till this morning.
First time in history i slept for so longggggggggggg and guess whut. It's homework time, AGAIN.
But before i go, lemme post some pictures up first:D Happy looking!

Diadora all th wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Rachael! :D

Zul, first guy friend i made in odac :D

Haha funny guys.


Chia Min! :D

Anton! :D

Jin Yong :D

Joshua! :D He don't have th 'Joshua' face rightttt. Haha.
Classic slap, haha.

Jun Xian

Shafi'e! :D Cool name.

Potential jokers. Haha.


Sus! :D

Wei Zhou :D
Yep yep that's about it.
Guess it's time for me to hit th books.
Many homework for Gp, diezzz.
Bathed in th dark cus stadium lights were off.
Slept around 3 and woke up 630, cool or whut.
Also, wet games were very creative, few of them i didn't play before.
And lastly, my group made th whole camp even more enjoyable and fun.
Lets go Diadora Lets go WO WO. Haha.
Reached home around 5plus, unpack, bathed and slept all th way till this morning.
First time in history i slept for so longggggggggggg and guess whut. It's homework time, AGAIN.
But before i go, lemme post some pictures up first:D Happy looking!

Diadora all th wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Rachael! :D
Zul, first guy friend i made in odac :D
Haha funny guys.


Chia Min! :D

Anton! :D

Jin Yong :D

Joshua! :D He don't have th 'Joshua' face rightttt. Haha.

Classic slap, haha.

Jun Xian

Shafi'e! :D Cool name.

Potential jokers. Haha.


Sus! :D

Wei Zhou :D
Yep yep that's about it.
Guess it's time for me to hit th books.
Many homework for Gp, diezzz.