Friday, February 20, 2009

Seriously, I miss my secondary school life.
Know life's gotta go on in any way but.......
Damn suddenly i don't feel GREAT in Tpjc, not for th time being that is.

Just break camp around 4plus and I can say, coral's camp was much more successful?
Not to pull tpjc down but.... Maybe it's cus I'm not used to being th camper, instead of th organiser.
No more people like Hakim Kenneth Faris to make us laugh, no more Ahmad to play guitar for us, no more Agnes Huiping to talk to at night anymore, damn it.

(just let me rant first luh uh, I'll elaborate more about th camp next time)
Although my civics group was much more bonded than it originally was, I still prefer to stick with th old but always new 4/9. Human's nature to compare, can't blame me.

Tears within me. Coming out soon. F for all I care. Go and die.