Past 2 days were awesomeeeeeee, most memorable march holidays, fwawa.
Met up with my 2hotties, Sihui and Xiuwei at airport on tuesday. AS USUAL, LITTLE MISS LATE WAS LATE. Tpjcians are always on time, HAHA. Breakfast cum lunch at Breeks. Flooded Xiuwei's laptop with all our faces and i guessed we're th nosiest in Breeks. Laughed and talked like nobody's business.
Half of th time we were camwhoring using Ang's laptop. Even th person who wanted to clear our table and serve us didn't dare come and disrupt us. Damn classic. Stayed there from 1 all th way till almost 5 and got back to pasir ris to meet DJo and Yenhuei. Then again we took lots of pictures. First at mac's then at BK. I MISS MY GIRLS D:
Yenhuei still looks the same, DJo become more student-like(HAHA), Xiuwei still as bimbotic and LATE as ever, Sihui no diff cus i get to see her in school everyday.Went back Coral on Wednesday for LTC night activity from 930pm to 6am th next day.
Met th redshirts, dinner together and got back to school. I miss th npcc room): Ya i missed many things la.
highlight of th night was amazing race all around Pasir ris from 12mn to 530am. And i meant all around pasir Ris. From greenview to loyang sec to elias area to Pasir ris park area. Transportation? Your legs.
Ya so since we're not taking part in th race, me and my fellow redshirts were somehow unwanted then, thus we headed to central for supper and staight to Pasir ris park. Weather was freakin' cooling but all of us were freakin' sticky and i think.. all of us smell, HAHA.
And since we got nothing to do, clever asrul layed out a mat and all of us lied down and took a short nap. Under th open sky oh my~ Haha.
Whole thing ended around 630 and i rushedddddddddddd home to bathe and get some sleep before i met s16 mates for movie MARATHON and lunch. And oh my, I was late. Was supposed to meet Dennis at 1015 at Tamp and th rest at Plaza Sing at 1115 but i woke up at 11. Sorry!
During th night actitity...

I miss my school):


First up was Hotel for dogs, omg those dogs in th movie are so tempting. By tempting i meant I wna get one so much): Too bad i gave my dog away, boooooooo.
Ya anyway, I recommend Hotel for dogs, funny yet touching. Worth th watch!
Sushi and sashimi for lunch, damn filling and I'll still feel th salmon swimming in my stomach haha.
Caught our 2nd movie after lunch:

But sitting beside YY was much better cus he kept making fun of CHABA. Okay you guys should watch that movie before you guys know whut i'm talking about! It's a thai HORROR movie, rate it 5/5 for it's horror! It's nc16, so kids below 16 I'm sorry you guys can't watch in cinemas. HAHA.
Went foodcourt with th guys after Jermaine left for her bbq. Like whut i said, guys can really gossip.
Pohling around= can never stop talking/ gossiping.
Pohling around= always got things to talk about one.
(okay whutever.)
Twins alert! HAHA.
Off to study, bye!
(oh yeh Shaamz pls tell me when you're free so we can meet up! loveyou bye!)