41days since super teens workshop.
Quote of the day: Today well lived makes yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow is a vision of hope.
HappyBirthday Mummy.
iloveyou oh so much:D
went airportT2 to eat at some restaurant.
don't ask me what's th name cus I've forgotten. oh, but th food was nice yoyoyo.
studied with babe and fab and izyran(boyfriend) at ehub just now.
well, was kinda productive i guess, at least i managed to do alot of questions and getting them right.
and some bitches can't seem to control themselves. idk why some girls like to flirt with guys until so over, and th guy just ignores them. but obviously, they still continued flirting, and getting nothing in return. right babe? haha. have some self-respect la dey. OH. and i saw th handsome teacher, aka mr alexsu. tell you girls, he's freaking *** for goodness sake, and he was in new urban male shop with his another hothot friend choosing slippers. well obviously i was getting crazy at that moment, cus at first i was sad(babe knows why), but after i saw him, i was practically smiling to myself. y'know, some guys just make you smile, even though you don't know them at all:D hahah. i know i'm a bitch. so what so what.
i guess, this midyear isn't that intensive. or maybe, i don't have th feeling of midyear.
amaths paper was Not easy thankyouverymuch.
okay, it wasn't tough, but it wasn't easy at all. getting a pass is possible, but getting full marks, goodbye 100marks. pretty hope that papaer2's gna be a lil merciful with no graph plotting or geometrical proofs at all. hell yeh, i suck at geometrical proving. some things no need to be proven what, its just common sense, and you expect me to write down common sense stuffs in words, well thankyou uh. i just hope that th upcoming papers will be kind to me, and i shall feed them with alot of words. esp chemistry, c'mon chemistry, i'll be your bestfriend for that day, and we shall talk like no one's business. haha i'm getting crazy i know.
So i guess i won't be touching th computer till next week or th week after next, cus week2 papers' gna be more tough, like chem and phy and amathsP2. so just pray that I'll not go crazy in th middle of th exam.
okay bye, shall do speed reading for geog and intensive studying tomorrow. all th best and so long~ suckers.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
34days since superteens workshop.
Quote of th day: Progress is impossible without changes, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.
exams are next week.
english paper1 was a lil harder than i thought, but mt paper1 was kinda easy. hope i can do well. *crosses fingers.
anyway, Yuan lao shi says me and sihui are able to score A1 for our mt, if we really put in th effort.
he went on saying, if you don't push yourself, you'll drop by more than 10steps.
but if you keep doing and practicing and never give up, you'll be 10steps ahead of th rest. okay, he said something quite true uh.
yesterday went to Republic Poly to cheer on for th floorball team.
unfortunately,m we lost to bukit merah. okay, not we lost. coral lost.
but nevertheless, th team DID put in their best shots, three cheers for you guys.
many people said they lost because redshirts went to cheer for them, even mr osman says so.
and i find something really unfair. cus i left class early for th floorball, and it was during mr osman's lessons that i left. then he passed me a worksheet and said; so basically, this is th answer sheet for th compre questions, and you don't need to do anything.(mummy i swear he said that) even serene and yenhuei heard something about like this.
and then today, mr osman asked us to hand up th work, then i was like what work?! then he *chob chob crosses his fingers and said that he did ask me to complete th worksheet. Mummy, help me la. he gave me and yenhuei punishment by doing up a table for th summary thing. thanks alot mr osman. but anyway, i'll do by tml. I WILL.
cakes were distributed to my darlinggggs:D
and they said its nice. someone said its good for a beginner. haha whatever, hope you like it:D
i wna say a very big happy birthday to this perfect girl of mine.
Happy bday babe, i know earth day falls on your day too, but i still remember:D
thank for everything that you've provided and given me with, esp with your love.
i love you, i really do. ( guys, she's taken, sorry!)

went airport and fetch my aunt and uncle yesterday night around 1130.
they've just returned from holidays from japan.
and they were telling us how fun it was, i wna go japan people:D
went home around 2plus.
slept at 3, and i don't feel tired at all in school today.
but one thing, my stomach's been hurting ever since sunday.
damn it people, i hate it. might have some sickness? who knows.
okay bye all. off t call my darling:D HAHA.
Quote of th day: Progress is impossible without changes, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.
exams are next week.
english paper1 was a lil harder than i thought, but mt paper1 was kinda easy. hope i can do well. *crosses fingers.
anyway, Yuan lao shi says me and sihui are able to score A1 for our mt, if we really put in th effort.
he went on saying, if you don't push yourself, you'll drop by more than 10steps.
but if you keep doing and practicing and never give up, you'll be 10steps ahead of th rest. okay, he said something quite true uh.
yesterday went to Republic Poly to cheer on for th floorball team.
unfortunately,m we lost to bukit merah. okay, not we lost. coral lost.
but nevertheless, th team DID put in their best shots, three cheers for you guys.
many people said they lost because redshirts went to cheer for them, even mr osman says so.
and i find something really unfair. cus i left class early for th floorball, and it was during mr osman's lessons that i left. then he passed me a worksheet and said; so basically, this is th answer sheet for th compre questions, and you don't need to do anything.(mummy i swear he said that) even serene and yenhuei heard something about like this.
and then today, mr osman asked us to hand up th work, then i was like what work?! then he *chob chob crosses his fingers and said that he did ask me to complete th worksheet. Mummy, help me la. he gave me and yenhuei punishment by doing up a table for th summary thing. thanks alot mr osman. but anyway, i'll do by tml. I WILL.
cakes were distributed to my darlinggggs:D
and they said its nice. someone said its good for a beginner. haha whatever, hope you like it:D
i wna say a very big happy birthday to this perfect girl of mine.
Happy bday babe, i know earth day falls on your day too, but i still remember:D
thank for everything that you've provided and given me with, esp with your love.
i love you, i really do. ( guys, she's taken, sorry!)

went airport and fetch my aunt and uncle yesterday night around 1130.
they've just returned from holidays from japan.
and they were telling us how fun it was, i wna go japan people:D
went home around 2plus.
slept at 3, and i don't feel tired at all in school today.
but one thing, my stomach's been hurting ever since sunday.
damn it people, i hate it. might have some sickness? who knows.
okay bye all. off t call my darling:D HAHA.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
30days since super teens workshop.
Quote of the day: Attitudes are self-created. you can either choose to be victimized by circumstances and people, or choose to look at life with an open mind and be victorious. No one else can choose your attitude for you. Your perspective and choice to be in control. That is th essence of freedom.
Okay, so i haven't been using th computer lately. practically cus i'm super lazy to switch on th comp, and I'm studying these days. haha hardworking i know. exams are near th corner, so must study. wrong sentence structure, i have always been hardworking. duh. HAHA.
yesterday was 2.4, and my dearest loveliest sexiest cutest whatever joelyn sprained her ankle. i don't know how in the world did she do that, but i think its cus she can't wait to see me, run too fast then kena sprained. girl ah, i know la, miss me. but still, take care of your legs okay:D hahah.
Studied with th coolest people just now, and once again, saw th 4/1 people. haha. so fated siol.
okay, next week's alot people bdays.
and first up, mua best friend! hahaha!
wish you happy advanced bday first, cus i'll not be using comp next week( i think)
best friend's th best yoyoyoyo! haha, love you! don't get too stressed over studies alright, you need help, i'm here to guide you. have confidence, and you'll succeed!
and nextnext, sexiest darling bday:D
babe, i seriously love you like no one's business la. what can i say, long years of friends, and i really appreciate you alot:D ahhaahhahaa. love youuuuuu, and don't be sad!(i also dont know why) oh yah, and thank you for helping me to tell ______ that i like _____. hahahhah. love you so so so so freakin' mucho.
seriously, i think i like _____ alotalotalotalot.
okay bye all, good luck for MYE, and sec4s, we can do it yo! All th best. esp_____. HAHA.
Quote of the day: Attitudes are self-created. you can either choose to be victimized by circumstances and people, or choose to look at life with an open mind and be victorious. No one else can choose your attitude for you. Your perspective and choice to be in control. That is th essence of freedom.
Okay, so i haven't been using th computer lately. practically cus i'm super lazy to switch on th comp, and I'm studying these days. haha hardworking i know. exams are near th corner, so must study. wrong sentence structure, i have always been hardworking. duh. HAHA.
yesterday was 2.4, and my dearest loveliest sexiest cutest whatever joelyn sprained her ankle. i don't know how in the world did she do that, but i think its cus she can't wait to see me, run too fast then kena sprained. girl ah, i know la, miss me. but still, take care of your legs okay:D hahah.
Studied with th coolest people just now, and once again, saw th 4/1 people. haha. so fated siol.
okay, next week's alot people bdays.
and first up, mua best friend! hahaha!
wish you happy advanced bday first, cus i'll not be using comp next week( i think)
best friend's th best yoyoyoyo! haha, love you! don't get too stressed over studies alright, you need help, i'm here to guide you. have confidence, and you'll succeed!
and nextnext, sexiest darling bday:D
babe, i seriously love you like no one's business la. what can i say, long years of friends, and i really appreciate you alot:D ahhaahhahaa. love youuuuuu, and don't be sad!(i also dont know why) oh yah, and thank you for helping me to tell ______ that i like _____. hahahhah. love you so so so so freakin' mucho.
seriously, i think i like _____ alotalotalotalot.
okay bye all, good luck for MYE, and sec4s, we can do it yo! All th best. esp_____. HAHA.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
24days since superteens workshop.
Quote of th day: Stop whining; start enjoying. And when you look back at the past, make sure you're smiling.
i miss superteens, like seriously.
i miss those days where we go back home late in the night, i miss those days that we cried till hardcore. are we having any followup sessions with them?
I have this friend, her name is joelyntanyiying.
and she acts like a total bitch, well its fun pushing her into different classes when we walked past, its really fun.
she dont have enough strength to retaliate, so its really really fun. maybe you guys should try pushing her in. HAHA.
Had chemistry lessons yesterday, sat at th back with rebecca and fionaNg, and hell yeh, we had lots of fun. maybe i should find a day to head out with them. after lessons went to eat with my girls, yes its been long since we've eaten after sat lessons, and yesterday was funneh.
Si hui acts like a total man, hahaha. oh yes, and we talked alot.
After eating went to study with babe, Mr Siow and Mr Koh.
stupid mr siow, made me wait for him for so freakin' long. you not guy ah.
i waited for him from 12-130. its 11 to be exact. what sia, make girl wait so long. why? cus he wna go home and eat and bathe and changed first. my house is far, so i didnt go home. and i waited for him and tanah merah mrt station from 1230-2. thanks guy. hahaha, finally reached airport and met babe and mrKoh. studied for qute some time, and went to T3 and find th 4/1 people. yayy yayy, saw banana twin. haha, yes T3 is big, took a long time to walk from one end to another, just to go macd.
okay, my stomach's been hurting for quite some time.
its not cramp or whatever, i think i have internal bleeding, ( my mum says so)
practically cus i've been doing krutches to train for my abs, and now i have difficulty lying down on th bed. hell yeh tis painful. hate this feeling.
alright all, i'm gna rest for awhile, and i'm off to study.
till then, so long suckers~
Quote of th day: Stop whining; start enjoying. And when you look back at the past, make sure you're smiling.
i miss superteens, like seriously.
i miss those days where we go back home late in the night, i miss those days that we cried till hardcore. are we having any followup sessions with them?
I have this friend, her name is joelyntanyiying.
and she acts like a total bitch, well its fun pushing her into different classes when we walked past, its really fun.
she dont have enough strength to retaliate, so its really really fun. maybe you guys should try pushing her in. HAHA.
Had chemistry lessons yesterday, sat at th back with rebecca and fionaNg, and hell yeh, we had lots of fun. maybe i should find a day to head out with them. after lessons went to eat with my girls, yes its been long since we've eaten after sat lessons, and yesterday was funneh.
Si hui acts like a total man, hahaha. oh yes, and we talked alot.
After eating went to study with babe, Mr Siow and Mr Koh.
stupid mr siow, made me wait for him for so freakin' long. you not guy ah.
i waited for him from 12-130. its 11 to be exact. what sia, make girl wait so long. why? cus he wna go home and eat and bathe and changed first. my house is far, so i didnt go home. and i waited for him and tanah merah mrt station from 1230-2. thanks guy. hahaha, finally reached airport and met babe and mrKoh. studied for qute some time, and went to T3 and find th 4/1 people. yayy yayy, saw banana twin. haha, yes T3 is big, took a long time to walk from one end to another, just to go macd.
okay, my stomach's been hurting for quite some time.
its not cramp or whatever, i think i have internal bleeding, ( my mum says so)
practically cus i've been doing krutches to train for my abs, and now i have difficulty lying down on th bed. hell yeh tis painful. hate this feeling.
alright all, i'm gna rest for awhile, and i'm off to study.
till then, so long suckers~
Thursday, April 10, 2008
21days since superteens workshop.
Quote of th day: An injury can grieve us only when remembered, The best revenge is therefore, to forget.
This week has certainly hasn't been a happy one, practically cus there's lots of testes going on and today isn't good at all too. So i'm sorry to you guys if I've been moody or sad today, seriously, i'm not in th mood today. But thinking back, no point getting sad over that thing right? i mean, its not your fault, it isn't mine either. so what's th whole point of getting sad, when you don't even know its all because of you, and i'm getting so irritated? No point right(yes, no point). So i told myself, aiya forget it la, waste my brain juice only. I'll try to cheer up, forget all about it and move on. Like what th quote said, th best revenge is to forget. So well, use my brain juice for other stuffs, not on you, sucka. okay bye all:D
Quote of th day: An injury can grieve us only when remembered, The best revenge is therefore, to forget.
This week has certainly hasn't been a happy one, practically cus there's lots of testes going on and today isn't good at all too. So i'm sorry to you guys if I've been moody or sad today, seriously, i'm not in th mood today. But thinking back, no point getting sad over that thing right? i mean, its not your fault, it isn't mine either. so what's th whole point of getting sad, when you don't even know its all because of you, and i'm getting so irritated? No point right(yes, no point). So i told myself, aiya forget it la, waste my brain juice only. I'll try to cheer up, forget all about it and move on. Like what th quote said, th best revenge is to forget. So well, use my brain juice for other stuffs, not on you, sucka. okay bye all:D
Monday, April 7, 2008
18days since superteens workshop.
Quote of th day: Laughter is a tranquillizer with no side effects.
International friendship day today,
had some sort of performance in th hall, and that crane is so cool la babe.
of course i also got hear what th people were talking about,
and its kinda true la, break those walls and you'll be happy.
right right right. ahhahaha.
Let's see, chemistry o'level spa today?
not too bad thou, but after everything was over, you can hear people screaming like omg! really? walau i put th other way round siaa and all sorts of omg expressions. hahaha.
Right now, i'm chatting with babe,
and just like what she said in her blog,
i'm making her laugh hardcore, well to me,
its th other way round.
do add up shamiraishot@hotmail.com. and you'll find out why you can't access,
basically cus she's not hot, thats whyits an error, yes, no? hahahaha.
but if you try adding pohlingishotter@hotmail.com, you'll be able to access. HAHA.
she's making me laugh la, crazy girlfriends. woooo.
this is how it happened,
qiyuan asked me for her email, and i gave shamiraishot@hotmail.com.
so he believed it and said thanks to me, (okay this is funny already)
and then i told her about this, she laughed, and then she asked me for his email.
i gave her qiyuaniscool@hotmail.com, and guess what.
she believed it too! like omg! hahahhahaa. she actually believed it even after i told her i tricked qiyuan, babe, you're so damn funneh laaaaaaaaaa!
i wna study for chemistry today, even though test is postponed.
people, lets wait and see my chem get A, or at least B.
am i crapping? oh no. i hope not. hahaa.

(haha, look stupid i know, but niceee.)
Quote of th day: Laughter is a tranquillizer with no side effects.
International friendship day today,
had some sort of performance in th hall, and that crane is so cool la babe.
of course i also got hear what th people were talking about,
and its kinda true la, break those walls and you'll be happy.
right right right. ahhahaha.
Let's see, chemistry o'level spa today?
not too bad thou, but after everything was over, you can hear people screaming like omg! really? walau i put th other way round siaa and all sorts of omg expressions. hahaha.
Right now, i'm chatting with babe,
and just like what she said in her blog,
i'm making her laugh hardcore, well to me,
its th other way round.
do add up shamiraishot@hotmail.com. and you'll find out why you can't access,
basically cus she's not hot, thats whyits an error, yes, no? hahahaha.
but if you try adding pohlingishotter@hotmail.com, you'll be able to access. HAHA.
she's making me laugh la, crazy girlfriends. woooo.
this is how it happened,
qiyuan asked me for her email, and i gave shamiraishot@hotmail.com.
so he believed it and said thanks to me, (okay this is funny already)
and then i told her about this, she laughed, and then she asked me for his email.
i gave her qiyuaniscool@hotmail.com, and guess what.
she believed it too! like omg! hahahhahaa. she actually believed it even after i told her i tricked qiyuan, babe, you're so damn funneh laaaaaaaaaa!
i wna study for chemistry today, even though test is postponed.
people, lets wait and see my chem get A, or at least B.
am i crapping? oh no. i hope not. hahaa.

(haha, look stupid i know, but niceee.)
Saturday, April 5, 2008
16days since superteens workshop.
Quote of th day: Learn to laugh at your own troubles and you'll never run out of things to laugh at.
i miss those times when we go down till late in th nights to talk and hang out with other neighbours, although we still do that nowadays, you don't really come down often now. haha, i miss you alot, and we shall catch up real soon! 14years already, best of luck in your studies and stop being so attractive! many guys are after you right?! hahaha.
Alright, so lessons today was stressed, but fun.
Fiona and Rebecca made me laughed?
and Rebecca was staring into space for 20mins when chemistry started, can tell she's tired.
haha, and Fiona, who sings totally off key, made me sing too! fun right i know. hahahaha.
i told Fiona today's my 5200th day on earth, and she says I'm old. so to all other people who're older than me, she's implying that you're very old. oops. thats what she meant. :O
caught up with babe and her guy after lessons,
and i'm glad we're back to like how we used to be last time.
yes yes yes, we hugged 3times, as quoted in her blog, haha. not bad eh?
her guy was oh-so-ever-blur kind one, and sometimes you can lie flat trying to talk to him.
hahahaha, but still, he's nice laaaa. but keep looking at girls onlyyyyyy~ chehhh.
Oh ya, and i wna have abs! like totally i tell you.
i seriously think that girls who have stomach abs are totally sexy and hot can?
i wna train on my abs, but anyone has any idea how to train for them?
jo said must do krutches, i tried. haha, any other ideas? tell me please yo. thankyou.
and i found out something about myself, i can study till super late in th night, provided i sleep in th evening. and i don't feel tired th next day, and th words can go into my mind more easily. isn't that good or what. HAHA.
(doesn't mean i didn't voice out my thoughts means i don't care about it alright. i still care, yes:D)
Fyi; I'll be wearing my new specs starting from today(5'April'08).
you think not nice i also don't care. i think nice can already. till then, so long~ suckers.
Quote of th day: Learn to laugh at your own troubles and you'll never run out of things to laugh at.
i miss those times when we go down till late in th nights to talk and hang out with other neighbours, although we still do that nowadays, you don't really come down often now. haha, i miss you alot, and we shall catch up real soon! 14years already, best of luck in your studies and stop being so attractive! many guys are after you right?! hahaha.
Alright, so lessons today was stressed, but fun.
Fiona and Rebecca made me laughed?
and Rebecca was staring into space for 20mins when chemistry started, can tell she's tired.
haha, and Fiona, who sings totally off key, made me sing too! fun right i know. hahahaha.
i told Fiona today's my 5200th day on earth, and she says I'm old. so to all other people who're older than me, she's implying that you're very old. oops. thats what she meant. :O
caught up with babe and her guy after lessons,
and i'm glad we're back to like how we used to be last time.
yes yes yes, we hugged 3times, as quoted in her blog, haha. not bad eh?
her guy was oh-so-ever-blur kind one, and sometimes you can lie flat trying to talk to him.
hahahaha, but still, he's nice laaaa. but keep looking at girls onlyyyyyy~ chehhh.
Oh ya, and i wna have abs! like totally i tell you.
i seriously think that girls who have stomach abs are totally sexy and hot can?
i wna train on my abs, but anyone has any idea how to train for them?
jo said must do krutches, i tried. haha, any other ideas? tell me please yo. thankyou.
and i found out something about myself, i can study till super late in th night, provided i sleep in th evening. and i don't feel tired th next day, and th words can go into my mind more easily. isn't that good or what. HAHA.
(doesn't mean i didn't voice out my thoughts means i don't care about it alright. i still care, yes:D)
Fyi; I'll be wearing my new specs starting from today(5'April'08).
you think not nice i also don't care. i think nice can already. till then, so long~ suckers.
Friday, April 4, 2008
15days since superteens workshop.
Quote of th day: Don't call it a mistake, call it an education.
okay, so i'm kinda lazy to update this week.
basically cus i'm busy with school work and revising stuffs.
and i got back my report card, didn't do very well. but what to do.
English Language-59.6(C5)
Additional Maths-79.1(A1)
Combined Humanities-57.0(C5)
English and Chinese, i need 1 more mark to jump grade. ahhhh dangit.
English murder trial was not a good one, had many misunderstandings with friend,
but still managed to complete( i think).
Its all over now i know, but at least, be open to our comments at times yeh?
5 stations for Napfa test today, okay i'm only happy with my sit and reach.
haha, and i feel that coral netball team was superb.
practically cus they did not lose to any school in this league at all, and whats more, other schools were trashed BADLY by coral. GO CORAL WOOSH! haha.
mr RubanVL, please come to school more often, with your work completed.
Don't try to act like you're super responsible, cus it irks me alot i tell you.
chairman leh, set some standard can? sometimes i can't help but compare you with th former chairman-Hazim.
O'level is yours, up to you to screw it or whatever. But, i hoped a miracle will happen and you'll get good grades. ( i hope so)
so now, if never do your work say never do, don't give reasons la. if not you can never improve.
Be brave for what you've done, dont be a sissy can. i know i have no right to judge you or what, but its for your own good. aiyah, dont wna talk about you anymore la.
Just a piece of advice-Please live you life to th fullest. thankyou:D
headed home with jo and alicia, yuanyun and TMP,
and seriously, jo never fails to cheer me up. like awwww.
totally flat girl, i'll buy bra for you. woooo.
okay, i'm off to study now, i'll try to complete my chemistry elearning worksheet by today.
less burden=more time. yes no?
ah okay bye.
and my darling, i still love you alright, although i'm quite bothered that you said that word to me, and th finger pointing thing. i'm kinda sad, sorry. i know got some misunderstandings between us, but you know, you're th ultimate one. so dont worry much, cus i wont forget you, no matter what. i'll take time off to hang out with you, and things will never ever be th same againnnn:D
Quote of th day: Don't call it a mistake, call it an education.
okay, so i'm kinda lazy to update this week.
basically cus i'm busy with school work and revising stuffs.
and i got back my report card, didn't do very well. but what to do.
English Language-59.6(C5)
Additional Maths-79.1(A1)
Combined Humanities-57.0(C5)
English and Chinese, i need 1 more mark to jump grade. ahhhh dangit.
English murder trial was not a good one, had many misunderstandings with friend,
but still managed to complete( i think).
Its all over now i know, but at least, be open to our comments at times yeh?
5 stations for Napfa test today, okay i'm only happy with my sit and reach.
haha, and i feel that coral netball team was superb.
practically cus they did not lose to any school in this league at all, and whats more, other schools were trashed BADLY by coral. GO CORAL WOOSH! haha.
mr RubanVL, please come to school more often, with your work completed.
Don't try to act like you're super responsible, cus it irks me alot i tell you.
chairman leh, set some standard can? sometimes i can't help but compare you with th former chairman-Hazim.
O'level is yours, up to you to screw it or whatever. But, i hoped a miracle will happen and you'll get good grades. ( i hope so)
so now, if never do your work say never do, don't give reasons la. if not you can never improve.
Be brave for what you've done, dont be a sissy can. i know i have no right to judge you or what, but its for your own good. aiyah, dont wna talk about you anymore la.
Just a piece of advice-Please live you life to th fullest. thankyou:D
headed home with jo and alicia, yuanyun and TMP,
and seriously, jo never fails to cheer me up. like awwww.
totally flat girl, i'll buy bra for you. woooo.
okay, i'm off to study now, i'll try to complete my chemistry elearning worksheet by today.
less burden=more time. yes no?
ah okay bye.
and my darling, i still love you alright, although i'm quite bothered that you said that word to me, and th finger pointing thing. i'm kinda sad, sorry. i know got some misunderstandings between us, but you know, you're th ultimate one. so dont worry much, cus i wont forget you, no matter what. i'll take time off to hang out with you, and things will never ever be th same againnnn:D
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