Hi all, had finally decided to change my blogskin after so long huh. HAHA.
Anyway, after so long for not updating, shall do so before I study.
Last Friday night supposed to be bowling with neighbors. left home around 7, headed in neighbors car and went to their grandma's house @ balestier to pray for awhile, then headed to civil service club nearby to bowl. BUT. There were no more vacancy left to bowl, and th person say only @ ten then have free lane. WHAT THE TOOT. So we headed to Kovan, hoping that there have some vacancy for us to bowl. BUT. No free lanes. And some more if wna bowl need to be on waiting list, with 9people ahead of us. So I think we were clever enough not to wait, and headed down straight to Pasir Ris Ehub to bowl. Then again, no free lanes. Walaowae, why so many people bowl siaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. And if wna bowl, have to be on wiating list also, with 40people ahead of us. So being super clever of my neighbors, we decided to be on th list. STUPID right i know, 9people don't wna be on list, 40people wna be on list. Siao man. while waiting, we went to have dinner, and yes, we were damn hungry sia.
So in th end we didn't bowl, cus we waited till 11 then haven't our turn yet. so yeh, gave up waiting and went home. But we still had lots of fun, cus my neighbors ma.
♥ Neighbors la.
Took pictures while waiting:D

Saturday nothing much happened, oh but someone who smiled at me sort of made my day. Its a girl, actually i don't like her one. But she somehow smiled at me and seemed friendly, so yeh. I soft-hearted y'know. HAHA. So yeh, guess some of you guys should know who.
I'm sorry la she's quite nice actually la, and i suddenly feel like making friends with her, although she's like younger than me.
First period of th day was Mt. and today's Mt was fun. practice for oral with Yuan lao shi, and i kept saying then. used to it y'know. And he was like, no then. no then. you then somemore i minus marks ah. HAHA. and my two very cute but stupid partners cut my hair! Sia laaaaa, one small bunch of hair was being cut off? and they claimed it looked nicer on me.
Thanks ah sihui and syabiqah!:D haha.
:D okay today nothing much happened, had mock test in school for ss and geog. And ss was easy i can say, but geog was on Food. kao eh, i hate human goeg, i prefer physical geog. I tell you, human geog i can get like 9/25 whereas for physical i can get distinction. SEE THE DIFFERENCE. haha joke ah. So yhe, geog mock test was screwed. but one good thing was that i sat beside Dongrui during th test, and all his actions were like so damn funny! He kept making me laugh, and i buei tahan la. Dey ah, you bagus laaaaaaaaaa! hahaha.
Oh by th way, i like guys who wear

Just like my neighbor in th last picture.
(haha, cheeky right!)
Till then, so long~ suckers.
(i miss babe)