Heyyooooooooo I'm back to bvlog, yepyep.
School's lessons have officially started, which means timetables are all up and more or less finalized. And yesssssssss, my timetable's damn packed. Except for cca days which are wed and fri, all my lessons end at 5! Early or whuttttttt. Lectures bores me, at least tutorials can move and interact more. Trust me you wouldn't like lectures, sitting in th audi for 1.5hours listening to th lecturer talk. Super cmi.
Went out alone to study at Airport on saturday at first. But somehow sammy came and find me so yeh, met her, did maths gp and physics.
ANYWAY about th orientation camp, yep it was quite fun. Somehow bonded with my class already and yes, there're jokers in my class, which means that tutorials will not be as boring.
Actually there's nothing much to say about th camp la, more or less fun, especially fright night and soul night. POWERFULLLLLLLLLLLL.
Having road run on wednesday, 3km. CAN DIE SIALZZZ. But it's okay, wed will be over soon and friday will arrive. YAYY YAYY ODAC CAMP. Super looking forward to it:D
Homework time, bye!(:
Friday, February 20, 2009
Seriously, I miss my secondary school life.
Know life's gotta go on in any way but.......
Damn suddenly i don't feel GREAT in Tpjc, not for th time being that is.
Just break camp around 4plus and I can say, coral's camp was much more successful?
Not to pull tpjc down but.... Maybe it's cus I'm not used to being th camper, instead of th organiser.
No more people like Hakim Kenneth Faris to make us laugh, no more Ahmad to play guitar for us, no more Agnes Huiping to talk to at night anymore, damn it.
(just let me rant first luh uh, I'll elaborate more about th camp next time)
Although my civics group was much more bonded than it originally was, I still prefer to stick with th old but always new 4/9. Human's nature to compare, can't blame me.
Tears within me. Coming out soon. F for all I care. Go and die.
Damn suddenly i don't feel GREAT in Tpjc, not for th time being that is.
Just break camp around 4plus and I can say, coral's camp was much more successful?
Not to pull tpjc down but.... Maybe it's cus I'm not used to being th camper, instead of th organiser.
No more people like Hakim Kenneth Faris to make us laugh, no more Ahmad to play guitar for us, no more Agnes Huiping to talk to at night anymore, damn it.
(just let me rant first luh uh, I'll elaborate more about th camp next time)
Although my civics group was much more bonded than it originally was, I still prefer to stick with th old but always new 4/9. Human's nature to compare, can't blame me.
Tears within me. Coming out soon. F for all I care. Go and die.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Quote of the day: Let them be.. Let them be.. Let them be..
My old house @ Changi Prison, haha.
Random but ya.
Anyway I'll be shifting house next month, to th back of my current place.
Been staying at Changi area since young so... More or less I'll be sticking here for quite some time. HAHA.
And clarice actually made a joke out of somone's boobs (shall not name it)
You guys shoudl really hear about that joke man.
Speaking of nerds, I think I'm becoming one soon, or I've already became one ever since th 2nd week of school. Not studying for one day makes me feel quilty cus yeh.. There's quite alot to catch up, be it jc stffs or o level stuffs.
Caught up with Jia Qi last friday, and yes. She told me alotttttttttttttttttttttttt about her school. Haha i know she lovessssssssssssssssssssssssss her school very muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, hope she's having fun! Ya hope all srjcians are having fun yo!
Valentines was spent with sammy @ th gym and town. Bought a new school bag, LIKE FINALLY. Surprisingly th bag isn' purple in color, but black instead. HAHA. Couldn't find th purple bag that i saw on th net, damn itttttttt. And books became my 2nd valentine for th night:D
So i no need to be worried of not having any valentine's each year. I HAVE MY BOOKS TO ACCOMPANY ME, right ren an? HAHA.
Sihui syab basirah, all having camp tomorrow. Damn I'm gna miss them siaZZZ.
Luckily i still have weishan clarice xinjie manpang with me.
And most of th time I'll be with weishan. Lectures breaks pe all th same timeslot.
Who ask him take exactly same subj comb as me.
Babe pls try to make it for th camp la, don't go LA la, hahahhahaha
Stay in spore, safer. WOOOOOOO~
Thursday, February 12, 2009
I'm glad to have her in th same school as me, bet she does too.
Odac selection round yesterday, damn tiring but hey! Odac's very fun interesting exciting trilling you name it they have it. I don't regret joining Odac yo. Hope I'll be th first 30 to hand up th form......... People take your time, haha just kidding!
Did army crawl on th synthetic field, surface rough like those stadium tracks sial.......
Abrasions due to friction on my knee caps. Damn painful cus all our legs were literally BLACK after crawling and I had to use a toothbrush to brush off all th dirts. Even on my wounded knee also. So now my left knee is like black+red cus of th skin. Ugly sight.
School's becoming more fun, although we corallites tpjcians are starting to drift apart these days........... Glad that me syab clarice manpang xinjie weishan basirah are still together:D
As for sihui.......... She's in arts stream and me in sci, so most of th time we won't be able to see each other. It's either me or her having lessons at diff time, always like that. SAD KNOW.
Went back to coral today with sihui and syab.
Rather than being juniors in tpjc....
Saw dm and told her about how short can jc skirts get and coloured shoes and long nails and loud specs are allowed in jc,
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Since I've got nothing to do now, I shall upload th pictures for today's session!

Babe babe babe! I took picture with Husni! HAHAHAHHA.

Idk her too..................

Idk him also uh...........

Idk th 3 of them........ HAHA.



Xin rong:D

idk her name but... shes in my og, haha.

Garett:D Pretty right!


Cheh cheh, syab and azam sehhhhhhhhhh! HAHA.

Corallites, without basirah(:

Me and Rimes, plus 2 extras. Haha.


Twin no.1

Twin no.2. And they look like 100% mirror image siol.
Sarah Kieran Leong, th first person I've made friends with in Tpjc, and yes we can click quite well! Happy birthday, ocne again!
Clarice like this photo righttttttttttt! HAHA.
Alina, among th first few I made friends with in tpj.
:D Her tennis, Awesome.
Cleo and Sarah.
Clarice! Blessed.
Azam!!! Clarice don't be jealous, HAHA.
I don't know her, but..... no harm taking pics right.
Nizam:D Npcc friend..
Hey babe guess whut! His name is Shafiq! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Idk her too..............
Babe babe babe! I took picture with Husni! HAHAHAHHA.
Denise! And she's a VERY nice girl.
Idk her too..................
Idk him also uh...........
Idk th 3 of them........ HAHA.
Xin rong:D
idk her name but... shes in my og, haha.
Garett:D Pretty right!
Cheh cheh, syab and azam sehhhhhhhhhh! HAHA.
Corallites, without basirah(:
Me and Rimes, plus 2 extras. Haha.
Twin no.1
Twin no.2. And they look like 100% mirror image siol.
Senior who twist me, always:D Haha.
More or less sums up take a picture day, and yes I made quite a number of new friends! Tpj isn't that unfriendly, afterall. Or maybe it only applies to our batch. Heh.
Yep yep I'm pretty much excited and looking foreward to th camp! YAYY YAYY, cool or whut!
But I just hope that my class will be fun and had no conflicts la, duh.
Off to study sleep.

You're th first friend I made in Tpjc, and yes I'm happy to've known you! :D
Mr Ong's house on Sunday, only about half th class went but still............ We had fun. Taking photos was th best part and of course, watching th host. Sexciting.
Pictures pretty much sums up whut we did there and yeh, grab look see comment, up to y'all:D
Super lazy to resize, so pics are quite large..............

Still have another set of pictures coming up very soon.
Take a picture day today, so yeh, pics up veli soon i plomize.

You're th first friend I made in Tpjc, and yes I'm happy to've known you! :D
Mr Ong's house on Sunday, only about half th class went but still............ We had fun. Taking photos was th best part and of course, watching th host. Sexciting.
Pictures pretty much sums up whut we did there and yeh, grab look see comment, up to y'all:D
Super lazy to resize, so pics are quite large..............

Still have another set of pictures coming up very soon.
Take a picture day today, so yeh, pics up veli soon i plomize.
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