OK GREAT I'M GONNA DEDICATE A POST TO MY 4 awe(fully) awe(some) GIRLS. Random much but ya.
Who's first?
(to be fair I'll go by alphabetical order)
A.Xiuwei since she's an A. cup HAHA.
Hi bimbo I realised I haven't officially wished you in my blog I'm so sorry forgive me but you know iie still lurbb euu ritex hehex.

Let's see, I've known you for 6years now? And I'm reallllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy glad we're still in contact(although not as much). It's always th closest and most sincere ones that I'd appreciate, and you're one of them. Missed th times where we'd take long bus rides home together and do stupid stuffs back in Coral. Looking back at how much we've changed from then to now, I'm glad our friendship is still running strong. Trust my words; Coral life will be different without you by my side.
Anyway I'm happy for you've found your coinboy! He seemed nice and like whut sihui said, you both got th husband-wife look! Haha FEELING HAPPYZ RIGHTZ. Hope you'll invite us (me) to your wedding one day. I love you bimbo. stop meowwwwwwwwwwting haha so cute.
Up nextz, th one and only D.Jo
she Jcup.

Hi bitch you're th most retarded crazy shortest weirdest woman I've seen in my life, like seriously. But whut t do these are your attributes that attracts me and makes me wanna be your friend, for as long as possible. I love how you are all yourself when we're together and however ahlianz you may look, you never despise me (for I am not an ahlianz). Luv all your cards and gifts they're all unique and sincere and sometimes I feel I have not done enough for you (damn) since you know how much you meant t me right (awwww).
I will try t do my best a a wife. (HAHA)
(math lessons in tpjc will be more fun w you around. Now I got no one t fight w me over math anymore.)
2more t go.............................
Lim Yenhuei!!!

(is it just me or am I that much taller than you? HAHA)
Anyway I think it'll be quite rare for you t read this part but nonetheless I'll still post up, in case you happened t pass by hah.
Same for you, we've been friends for like 6years now? Although we became closer only in sec3, that does not shorten our bonds right? Like your cheerfulness and you may not know it, but your blurness is seriously th ultimate. Th most extreme case I've seen haha. Girl you gotta be careful of things around you and not t trust people(sihui) so easily! But sometimes, you blurness is whut I needed t get pass a stressful day. To make me slow down and smile.
Other than that, you brightened up my coral life too, especially during geog lessons (remember?!) and I luv you, definitely.
I'm feeling tired now................................................................
But there's still one more to talk about. DAMN, HAHA.
Last but not least, Tan Sihui!@#$%^&.
she got no cup. $:

I can't remember how I've gotten close w you, perhaps it's during those MT periods that I became mad and started liking you. I don't know why but, I love to bully and disturb and bastard you whenever I'm with you, maybe it's cus you never fail to surprise me with all your facial and physical expressions. Thank you for always humoring me with your jokes(facts) and always making me feel blessed when I'm with you. Seriously, I love your company (although we ALWAYS bitch) but I'd enjoyed those moments w you.
TPJC LIFE CAN NEVER BE WORST IF YOU'RE NOT AROUND W ME. I guess, you're one of th main reasons why I look forward coming t sch everyday (other than KFchick) and seeing you for just a short 10mins in th morning. Love you for everything from top to toe and if possible, I'd gladly enter th same uni as you. You're that powerful.
Thanks slutz.
If not you 4 will die on th 28th.

Luv you 4 like never before, and luv our friendship. More than you love your bed.